File streaming using Nodejs

3 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Life is Wonderful
Life is Wonderful il 28 Giu 2021
With Nodejs support , the file should be streamed via the body
Section -1
Accept a HTTP POST request which will contain the following JSON in its body:
{ event, entity, actor, machines, tests, options }
I am interested in the event (‘completed’) and entity (‘job’).
Section -2
Then I'II call back the HTTP domain name mentioned in the actor with the following call:
URL = actor + /api/logs/:id
Where id will be that received in the previous callback.
This will give back the JSON of all the log files generated for that job.
Section -3
I can then generate the full path for any log that I want:
URL = actor + logs/:id/:path
I can then process the log and create final log.
Section -4
Once I am are ready,
I should do a HTTP post request to:
URL = actor + logs + :id + :name

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Kojiro Saito
Kojiro Saito il 29 Giu 2021
I'm not sure which parameters should you post to NodeJS, but about Section 1 and 2, it might be the following.
%% Section 1
url = 'http://localhost:3000/postTest'; % To be replaced by your actual endpoint
data = struct('data', 1); % To be replaced by your actual json data
res = webwrite(url, data);
%% Section 2
url2 = "http://localhost:3000/" + + "/api/logs/:" +;
% To be replaced by your actual endpoint
data2 = struct('data', 2); % To be replaced by your actual json data
res2 = webwrite(url2, data2); % If it is GET request, it would be res2 = webread(url2);
  7 Commenti
Kojiro Saito
Kojiro Saito il 30 Giu 2021
Both HTTP GET and POST receices JSON data from server. You can try by using webread (HTTP GET) and webwrite (HTTP POST).
Life is Wonderful
Life is Wonderful il 2 Lug 2021
Thank you! In case I need further information please help me

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