Separate human voice from Music

8 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Abdullah Irfan
Abdullah Irfan il 26 Lug 2021
Hi, I have two audio files. One is human voice and other is music file. I am tasked with:
  1. Mix the two files
  2. Design fillter to extract audio from it.
I mixed them by:
y3 = (y1 + y2)/2; i.e. taking average of two audios. Now as for voice extraction I am limited to use fir2() and filter() functions only.
The audio voice extraction method is based on two steps:
  1. designing a lowpass filter to separate frequency components below 4kHz
  2. designing a notch filter to get rid of high amplitude frequencies of the music below 4kHz
I tried multiple approaches but can't extract audio file from music. Kindly help me out on this.

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