Simscape blocks in Simulink Models

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Please could someone tell me if it is possible to use a Simscape block within a simulink model? I have my suspicions that I cannot, but I haven't been able to find out searching through the mathworks site.
We have developed a vehicle driveline simulation in Simulink. Now we would like to include a Torque Converter. I see that there is a Torque Converter model within SimDriveline (of Simscape). Can I simply take that block and place it into my normal simulink model (Using appropriate S-PS converter blocks of course). I am currently running Matlab r2008b.
The reason I believe that it may not be possible is the different solvers for Simulnk and Simscape.
Many Thanks for your help
Christopher Cook

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Arnaud Miege
Arnaud Miege il 9 Giu 2011
Yes, it is possible to include Simscape/SimDriveline blocks in Simulink, using the Simulink-PS Converter and PS-Simulink Converter blocks. However, in your case, if you want to use the Torque Converter block, it makes sense to model the rest of the driveline in Simscape/SimDriveline as well. The converter blocks convert a Simulink signal into a Simscape physical signal and vice-versa. The torque converter block, however, has physical ports (mechanical rotational ports), which are different from Simulink unidirectional input./output approach.
I would suggest having a read of the section of the documentation on Modeling Physical Systems to get familiar with the modelling paradigm that Simscape introduces.
  2 Commenti
Christopher Cook
Christopher Cook il 9 Giu 2011
O.k. Thanks
I assume then that the alternative connection methods you described in an earlier question/answer for earlier versions of matlab will also work. (as i mentioned we are using r2008b, not the latest).
I do understand the idea of replacing fully our Simulink model for a proper Simscape/SimDriveline model, but this will require a lot of work, that would have to be a long term background task. We really need a solution now!
Thanks again, I will look into obtaining Simscape and simDriveline!
Arnaud Miege
Arnaud Miege il 9 Giu 2011
In R2008b, SimDriveline had its own torque source, torque sensor, motion sensor and velocity source blocks, which accepted/outputted Simulink signals.

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