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Azzera filtri

How do I label the bars in my histogram?

21 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
How do I label the bars in my histogram?
I would like to label the bars of my histogram plot that I created using HIST. I would like to add the count to the top of the bar.

Risposta accettata

MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team il 20 Giu 2017
As of MATLAB R2017a, there is no built-in feature to add bin count labels to histogram plots. Although this is not a built-in feature of MATLAB, you may label the bars of your histogram by using the output of the HIST command to create text objects. The following is an example that you can use as a guide:
% Create random data for the sake of the example
data = 10*rand(1,100);
% Draw the histogram
% Get information about the same
% histogram by returning arguments
[n,x] = hist(data);
% Create strings for each bar count
barstrings = num2str(n');
% Create text objects at each location

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