PIV image tool

Alternate two PIV images with velocity vectors, to visually inspect the result of a PIV analysis
974 download
Aggiornato 11 nov 2016

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This function allows to alternate two PIV images in a rapid sequence, in order to visualize the underlying flow motion.
Images can be any size: simple correlation-windows or full-scale images.
A velocity field can be shown on the images, so that the flow field resulting from the PIV analysis can be visually inspected comparing the particles motion.
Additional functions to zoom-in and pan allows a better analysis of the images.
The resulting animation can be exported as a GIF file.

Cita come

Alessandro Masullo (2024). PIV image tool (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/52048-piv-image-tool), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperato .

Compatibilità della release di MATLAB
Creato con R2013a
Compatibile con qualsiasi release
Compatibilità della piattaforma
Windows macOS Linux

Ispirato: MyStruct = getVC7data(davis_file_number)

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Versione Pubblicato Note della release


- Added possibility to plot the correlation map
- Bug fixes

Title and description changed
- New feature added to export the animation as a GIF file (press G)
- New feature added to control the image brightness (press B/D)

Change image description