Colebrook-White Equation

Computes the friction factor in pipes for given values of the Reynolds number (Re) and the relative roughness coefficient (epsilon).
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Aggiornato 25 set 2020

MATLAB code to compute the friction factor in pipes for given values of the Reynolds number (Re) and the relative roughness coefficient (epsilon).

f = colebrook(Re,epsilon)

Example 1: Single Re, single epsilon
Re = 1e5;
epsilon = 1e-4;
f = colebrook(Re,epsilon)

Example 2: Multiple Re, single epsilon
Re = 5000:1000:100000;
epsilon = 1e-4;
f = colebrook(Re,epsilon);

Example 3: Single Re, multiple epsilon
Re = 1e5;
epsilon = linspace(1e-4,1e-1,100);
f = colebrook(Re,epsilon);

Example 4: Multiple Re, multiple epsilon
Re = logspace(4,8,100);
epsilon = linspace(1e-4,1e-1,100);
[RE,EPSILON] = meshgrid(Re,epsilon);
F = colebrook(RE,EPSILON);

[1] Colebrook, C. F., & White, C. M. (1937). Experiments with fluid
friction in roughened pipes. Proceedings of the Royal Society of
London. Series A - Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 161(906),
[2] Colebrook, C. (1939). Turbulent Flow in Pipes, with Particular
Reference to the Transition Region between the Smooth and Rough
Pipe Laws. Journal of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 11(4),

Cita come

Ildeberto de los Santos Ruiz (2024). Colebrook-White Equation (, GitHub. Recuperato .

Santos-Ruiz, Ildeberto. Colebrook Equation. Zenodo, 2019, doi:10.5281/zenodo.3348254.

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Ispirato: Factor de fricción, Colebrook-White

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