Decoding turbo codes using the log-BCJR algorithm

iterative decoding of turbo codes using the log-BCJR algorithm
199 download
Aggiornato 5 feb 2021

This code works for generator matrix G(D) = [1 (1+D^2)/(1+D+D^2)].
If your CPU has multiple cores, then change "for" to "parfor" in line number 25 in the RUN_ME.m file.

see the book "Channel coding: classical and modern" by William Ryan and Shu Lin.

Cita come

Vineel Kumar Veludandi (2024). Decoding turbo codes using the log-BCJR algorithm (, GitHub. Recuperato .

Compatibilità della release di MATLAB
Creato con R2020b
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Compatibilità della piattaforma
Windows macOS Linux

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