read abaqus input file to get the nodes and elements

Versione 1.3.2 (73,5 KB) da Wan Ji
This readinp function can load the node and element data from abaqus inp file.
541 download
Aggiornato 24 feb 2022
Input variable: inpFileName
Output variable: node, element, elementType
For example, if you have an inp file named 'exam1.inp'
then you can get node and element data by using:
inpFileName = 'exam1.inp';
[node, element, elementType] = readinp(inpFileName); % put 'exam1.inp' file to you work directory

Cita come

Wan Ji (2025). read abaqus input file to get the nodes and elements (, GitHub. Recuperato .

Compatibilità della release di MATLAB
Creato con R2020a
Compatibile con R2016b e release successive
Compatibilità della piattaforma
Windows macOS Linux

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