
Launches an interactive app for modifying the parameters of IMADJUST.
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Aggiornato 1 set 2016

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Enhance your images! Create beautiful special effects!
IMADJUSTGUI launches an interactive, uicontrolled app for use with the Image Processing Toolbox function IMADJUST.
Interactively modify an image using sliders to modify the pixel mappings, either en masse, or (for RGB images)plane-by-plane.

See HELP IMADJUST for details.

Allows exporting of the modified image, and generates a function handle with which to recreate the modifications.

R2014b Graphics Ready

Cita come

Brett Shoelson (2025). ImageAdjuster (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperato .

Compatibilità della release di MATLAB
Creato con R2014a
Compatibile con qualsiasi release
Compatibilità della piattaforma
Windows macOS Linux

Ispirato: imageToolbar

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Versione Pubblicato Note della release

Updated license

Minor fixes, updates to graphics, readiness for R2014b.

Fixed a bug that disallowed working with grayscale images.

Now allows loading an image from file or from workspace variables. Also, I added "Auto-Adjust" button to add stretchlim-based starting point.

Many improvements, including: better loading of new images (from file or workspace); addition of an auto-adjust button; incorporation of improved ExpandAxes (which now allows for right-click exporting of images); better support for App version.

Updated to include an App file for R2012b.

This is a complete re-write of my old INTENSITYADJUST file. This is a much better implementation, and now allows independent modification of RGB planes.