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The Piggy Bank Problem
Given a cylindrical piggy bank with radius g and height y, return the bank's volume. [ g is first input argument.] Bonus though...
quasi 3 anni fa
Missing link for Instance segmentation?
On it says to see an exa...
quasi 4 anni fa | 1 risposta | 0
C code generation symbols not found linker error
I generated C code for my matlab functions and created a package by following the instructions at Package Code for Other Develo...
circa 4 anni fa | 2 risposte | 0
Separating overlapping lines in image
I have lots images with one line or multiple overlapping lines. I want to determine if an image has overlapping lines and then s...
circa 4 anni fa | 0 risposte | 0
Fast Fourier Transform component detection issue
I want to detect the different components in a signal. Here is an example of a signal: Fs = 1000; % Sampling freque...
oltre 4 anni fa | 1 risposta | 0
rispostaCan I change the location of Malab preference folder via an environment variable?
Naum, Thank ...
oltre 4 anni fa | 0
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how can i use variables as part of a address?
You can use the fullfile function to build a path from different parts:
oltre 4 anni fa | 1
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Detect black pixels in arbitrary region of a an image
if img is the variable name of your original rgb image: redChannel = img(:,:,1); greenChannel = img(:,:,2); blueChannel = i...
oltre 4 anni fa | 0
How to extract images from groundTruth object?
Rummy18 and Joel, You can import the labeled images and mask at different class labels. Each element in a labeled image matrix ...
oltre 4 anni fa | 1
How to export a figure as a spatially referenced image?
Use export_fig:
oltre 4 anni fa | 0
how to save an image in exact size
Use imwrite to write image to graphics file:
oltre 4 anni fa | 0
How to access names of pictures in a file?
if all the image names follow the pattern: gh_someNumber1_someNumber2_someNumber3 and you need to store someNumber1 and someNum...
oltre 4 anni fa | 0
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Saving image changes size.
Try using the export_fig package: You have lots options w...
quasi 5 anni fa | 0
Freehand Masking a DICOM image?
Yes it is possible to use imfreehand on any image.
quasi 5 anni fa | 0
App Designer Tabs for already written Code
What do you mean access each one over a tab? You can have a menu with buttons and if the user clicks on one button then you can...
quasi 5 anni fa | 0
I was trying a program for car detection. Why it is showing error ? (Please also tell the solution to it)
I think you are in the wrong directory. Try running this in the MATLAB console: openExample('vision/videotrafficgmm')
quasi 5 anni fa | 0
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Get the folder path in GUI
Running this: [file,path] = uiputfile; returns the selected or specified file path to path. You can get the fullfile path by...
circa 5 anni fa | 1
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Auto refresh Matlab on Real TIme Data
Try using linkdata command:
circa 5 anni fa | 0
I'm sorry , How could do classification in Matlab
Image classfication links:
circa 5 anni fa | 0
How to crop images in Matlab based on Intensity Profiles?
Try this where img is your original image: % get red, green, blue channels redC = img(:,:,1); greenC = img(:,:,2); blueC = i...
circa 5 anni fa | 1
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How to change button color just by hovering the mouse cursor?
You can continuosly track the position of the cursor inside the figure window. When the coordinates of the curor are in the coo...
circa 5 anni fa | 1
Genetic Algorithm with for loop or while loop
Using the Global Optimization Toolbox, here the entire documentation on Genetic Algorithms:
circa 5 anni fa | 0
How to extract a high resolution figure from MATLAB?
You can try using this package. It has lots of nice options for exporting figures and allows you to render images at native reso...
circa 5 anni fa | 1
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How do I export a faster RCNN detector, so that I can use it in python ?
You can try using the exportONNXNetwork framework:
circa 5 anni fa | 0
How can I convert multiple images (all the same size) into one matrix?
You can create a cell array that holds all the image matrices. Use a for loop to imread each image and then store it in a cell a...
circa 5 anni fa | 0
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Storing Images from Cell Array into Different Files
Here is a for loop that generates a different filename in each iteration: for i = 1:100 newfilename = strcat('Image', num2...
circa 5 anni fa | 0
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apply equations to all of the dicom images in a file
You can have a for loop that reads in each image and the runs the code you want. See:
circa 5 anni fa | 0
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How to add 'copy figure' function in the figures generated by GUI?
I think this is not available in the standalone executable but you can have another menu pop up that will allow copying. See: h...
circa 5 anni fa | 0
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Build executable app that reads data from a file and displays it graphically
You can use uigetfile to have a file selection dialog box open for the user to select a file, using GUI. https://www.mathworks....
circa 5 anni fa | 0
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Neural Network Classification Results
Are you doing semantic segmentation or image classification? The confusion matrix helps indicate differences in classification...
circa 5 anni fa | 0