how to convert file.m into block in Simulink ?
Have you tried using the MATLAB Function block? It's in the User Defined Functions sub-library in base Simulink.

quasi 9 anni fa | 0

Compute cumulative sum of a singal for a certain period of time (moving sum)
You can use a <http://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/slref/discretefirfilter.html Discrete FIR Filter> with coefficients of |on...

quasi 9 anni fa | 2

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How to find location of points used to calculate width of peaks using findpeaks function?
Although not ideal, here is a workaround that might help: ax = gca; lines = ax.Children; x = lines(1).XData'; ...

quasi 9 anni fa | 1

Fourier transform, Position to Jerk differentiation
|fftshift| does *not* compute the Fourier Transform. You need to use the |fft| function in conjunction with |fftshift|, as: ...

quasi 9 anni fa | 0

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Computing and Ploting Fourier transform
Fs = 8; dt = 1/Fs; N = 8000; t = dt*(-N/2:N/2-1)'; dF = Fs/N; f = -Fs/2:dF:Fs/2-dF; p = heaviside(t+1)...

quasi 9 anni fa | 0

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High quality spectrogram with a few seconds signal
Please try the following: % Window duration (in seconds): dur = 0.5; % Spectrogram settings (in samples): wi...

circa 9 anni fa | 1

how to make a fft code for magnetics field analysis?
X = fft(x);

circa 9 anni fa | 0

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Why is there a time difference in tic toc in multiple runs
Because |tic toc| measures _elapsed_ time rather than _cpu_ time. Try using |profile| instead.

circa 9 anni fa | 0

FFT result looks nothing like analytic result
steps = 2^10; lim = 4; dx = 2*lim/steps; x = -lim:dx:lim-dx; % x = linspace(-lim, lim, steps); Fs = 1/dx; dF ...

circa 9 anni fa | 1

How to replicate a hexagon pattern in a given area of 100x100
function draw_pattern r = 2; dx = r; dy = r*sin(pi/3); figure; axes; hold...

circa 9 anni fa | 0

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Help plotting FFT from column vector with real and imaginary parts.
N = length(data); freq = fftshift(fft(data))/N; plot(abs(freq));

circa 9 anni fa | 3

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How to generate 100 sample points of a 3-state Markov chain with initial prob vector and transition probability matrix using inverse transform method on matlab.
Here's a start: P = [0.3 0.1 0.1; 0.3 0.9 0.1; 0.4 0 0.8]; % Transition Matrix P0 = [0.1 0.9 0]; %initial probability...

circa 9 anni fa | 0

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How can I replace every element of a matrix with a special character to hide the element
x = magic(3); y = repmat('*',size(x)); disp(y);

circa 9 anni fa | 0

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How can I replace every element of a matrix with a special character to hide the element
x = magic(3); x(x<7) = NaN; disp(x);

circa 9 anni fa | 0

how can find frequency from an fft function?
Fs = 40; % samples per second N = length(Y1); % samples dF = Fs/N; % h...

circa 9 anni fa | 1

Unable to obtain 50 Hertz sine wave in Simulink
Please try zooming in using the horizontally-constrained zoom tool.

oltre 9 anni fa | 0

How to plot the frequency response of a discrete cosine function?
L = 1000; n = 0:L-1; x1 = fftshift(fft(x))/L; dw = 2*pi/L; w = -pi:dw:pi-dw; stem(w,mag);

oltre 9 anni fa | 0

I have fft data. How can I predict from the fft data whether the data is of sine or cosine wave?
You can tell from the phase. If the phase is 0 degrees, then it's a cosine. If the phase is -90 degrees, then it's a sine. If...

oltre 9 anni fa | 2

FFT plot of velocity
Please try the following experiment: Fs = 48000; dt = 1/Fs; t = (0:dt:0.25-dt)'; A = 5; x = A*ones(size(t)); ...

oltre 9 anni fa | 0

FFT plot of velocity
Please review: <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/15770-scaling-the-fft-and-the-ifft Scaling the FFT and the IFFT>...

oltre 9 anni fa | 0

How to design a notch filter that stops the 2 kHz ,with sampling rate 8 kHz,and plot the magnitude response,also plot pole zero locations ?
Here's a start: Fs = 8000; % samples per second Fc = 2000; % hertz phi = 2*pi*Fc/Fs; % radians...

oltre 9 anni fa | 0

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What am I doing wrong in my code? Trying to detect if array has NaN.
if any(isnan(x))

oltre 9 anni fa | 0

Two mass damper spring system in simulink
You can represent each mass as a series combination of an integrator and a gain. The value of the gain will be either |M| or |1...

oltre 9 anni fa | 1

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Nested if statements done elsewise?
N = 5000; x = 2*rand(N,8) - 1; u = (x<0); v = (sum(u,2)==8);

oltre 9 anni fa | 1

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Using if and then statements
function r = findQuadraticRoots(a,b,c) if something is true do some stuff; else ...

oltre 9 anni fa | 0

Transfer function in Simulink
H(s) = Y(s) / U(s)

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

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How can I extract a single component from a Fourier decomposition of a 2D matrix and plot it as a 2D map?
Here's a start: [ M, N ] = size(PV); Fs_x = 1/dx; Fs_y = 1/dy; dF_x = Fs_x/M; dF_y = Fs_y/N; Fx = -F...

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

plot vector where negative data is circled
isNeg = (data < 0); plot(abs(data),pos) hold on plot(abs(data(isNeg)),pos(isNeg),'o') set(gca,'xscale','log');

quasi 10 anni fa | 0

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