Kenneth Eaton
Hellebore Consulting Group, LLC
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I'm a seasoned biomedical researcher and software developer with expert knowledge of computational biology, object-oriented programming, image processing, statistical analysis, and user interface design. I've been programming for over 30 years, having cut my teeth on BASIC and Logo when I was 10.
You can often find me on Stack Overflow answering MATLAB questions: http://stackoverflow.com/users/52738/gnovice
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How do I skip items in a legend?
Starting in R2021a, you can leave an item out of a legend by setting the corresponding label to an empty character vector. For e...
oltre un anno fa | 109
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Error using FreezePanes in Excel
You could try setting the property with a logical value, since it expects a Boolean type: Excel.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = true...
quasi 6 anni fa | 0
I am trying to use the function imfill() but it does not run and the following message is displayed: Undefined function or variable 'eml_assert_all_constant'. I can't find such fuction in MATLAB documentation.
If you use the function <https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/which.html |which|> like so: which iptcheckconn -all ...
oltre 7 anni fa | 4
Why is subsref and subscripted reference not equivalent
Not sure if this is a complete answer, but it appears that invoking subsref directly requires a stricter definition of the outpu...
quasi 8 anni fa | 1
Hump-day challenger - Recursion
My first attempt: function index = find_index(M,V) switch numel(M) case 0 index = []; case 1 ...
quasi 14 anni fa | 1
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How can i remove the sky from this image. (About background removal question)
I'm unclear how <http://www.mathworks.com/help/techdoc/ref/zeros.html ZEROS> is to be used for this problem, but you could do it...
quasi 14 anni fa | 3
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How do I generate a given Matrix in one command?
I can't believe no one suggested dilation: A = imdilate(eye(5),ones(2)); Or convolution: A = sign(conv2(eye(5),ones(2),'s...
quasi 14 anni fa | 3
Slice thickness information lost when using dicomwrite()
I think your problem may be the missing capitalization of the "t" in the name |SliceThickness|. Notice that all the fields in th...
quasi 14 anni fa | 0
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What matlab easter eggs do you know?
As <http://blogs.mathworks.com/steve/2006/10/17/the-story-behind-the-matlab-default-image/ Steve discussed in one of his blog po...
quasi 14 anni fa | 20
How do I save and restore the state data in a GUI?
<http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/24861-41-complete-gui-examples 41 Complete GUI Examples> from Matt Fig on t...
quasi 14 anni fa | 1
Hump-day puzzler.
In response to Andrew's extra challenge for a solution in which |BLANK| returns |true|, here's an absolutely insane one: func...
circa 14 anni fa | 3
Hump-day puzzler.
Here's a pretty goofy answer: true) fprintf('I Love '); end; if (false
circa 14 anni fa | 6
What programming challenges would you pose to new users?
Designing simple GUIs can introduce newer users to a number of important concepts. For example... *Challenge:* Create a stopwa...
circa 14 anni fa | 2
How to make a list of user's reputation ? :)
Here's yet another variation that uses Walter's idea of going through the pages of questions, fetching the question links, then ...
circa 14 anni fa | 3
How to compare two different cell arrays ?
The <http://www.mathworks.com/help/techdoc/ref/setdiff.html SETDIFF> function does what you want. It will give you the values in...
circa 14 anni fa | 11
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How do I write a good answer for MATLAB Answers?
I'm generally in favor of pointing out when a key edit (i.e. correction) has been made to an answer for the following reasons: ...
circa 14 anni fa | 5
Using find in a 3d matrix in MATLAB.
When finding values in multidimensional (i.e. greater than 2-D) arrays using the function <http://www.mathworks.com/help/techdoc...
circa 14 anni fa | 30
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Declaring 'many' variables from work space into function workspace
Yet another option is to design your function to accept a <http://www.mathworks.com/help/techdoc/ref/varargin.html variable leng...
circa 14 anni fa | 0
MATLAB xlswrite function
The reason? Because <http://www.mathworks.com/help/techdoc/ref/xlswrite.html#bsnsz_b-13 the documentation> says so! ;) Excerpt:...
circa 14 anni fa | 1
Outputting to string
You can do this using the function <http://www.mathworks.com/help/techdoc/ref/eval.html EVAL>: for i = 1:3 eval(['var_' i...
circa 14 anni fa | 2
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How to solve symbolic system of equations?
Easy, use the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/toolbox/symbolic/solve.html SOLVE> function: >> S = solve(Eqs) S = a:...
circa 14 anni fa | 0
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Need help writing a datacursormode Text Update Function to display high, low, close, date, & volume data as a Datatip on a plot made with the highlow function of the Financial Toolbox.
Since you want your data cursor to display data that is not on the plot, you will have to put that data in a place that the Text...
circa 14 anni fa | 2
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Compute opponent colour of RGB values
If you are talking about a <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opponent_process color opponent process>, I figured out a simple functi...
circa 14 anni fa | 1
Grayscaled Images to RGB
If |img| is your grayscale image, stored as a 2-D |uint8| array, you can create a red version by making |img| be the red color p...
circa 14 anni fa | 3
Output of delaunay function
As per <http://www.mathworks.com/help/techdoc/ref/delaunay.html the function documentation>, the matrix |tri| returned from DELA...
circa 14 anni fa | 2
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Working with a three dimensional matrix
If you're asking how you would index |k| in your loop to get a 2-D submatrix, you would do the following: l = k(:,:,i);
circa 14 anni fa | 1
clearing an instance of a structure variable
You can remove an element from a structure array the same way you can remove an element from any other type of array: a(1) = ...
circa 14 anni fa | 2
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How to generate symbolic variables dynamically at run-time?
You can generate your system of equations from a matrix of zeroes and ones using just the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/toolbox...
circa 14 anni fa | 2
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Problem saving/loading structure with function handles
In the documentation for <http://www.mathworks.com/help/techdoc/matlab_prog/f2-38133.html#brfp2ff-1 Saving and Loading Function ...
circa 14 anni fa | 2
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How can I find what parameters are in an inline function.
You can use the ARGNAMES function (which is a method for inline objects) to get the arguments of the inline function as a cell a...
circa 14 anni fa | 2
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