Kaustubha Govind
I am a Software Developer on the Simulink Engine team at MathWorks. I have also worked in our Technical Support Department in the past, with a specialization in our code-generation products.
DISCLAIMER: Any advice or opinions posted here are my own, and in no way reflect that of MathWorks.
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Can I call variables from a mask dialogue box in an Embedded MATLAB function block without having to connect variable blocks
Yes, you can convert your inputs to parameters (whose names must match that of the workspace variables). You simply need to chan...
oltre 5 anni fa | 3
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How to add right click options in Simulink
Please see <https://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/ug/adding-items-to-model-editor-menus.html Add Items to Model Editor Menus> ...
oltre 6 anni fa | 4
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HDL coding of simulink blocks Qam, Convolutional encoder and Ifft
The error is about the fact that your input signal (coming from Bernoulli Random Binary Generator) is a frame-based signal. You ...
quasi 7 anni fa | 1
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Reading a wire value from Simulink into the Command Window or GUIDE
Please see <http://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/ug/accessing-block-data-during-simulation.html Access Block Data During Simul...
oltre 8 anni fa | 2
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take input video from web cam
You need the Image Acquisition Toolbox for this. <http://www.mathworks.com/hardware-support/index.html?q=%20product:%22Image+Acq...
quasi 10 anni fa | 0
Character Variables in Simulink
Characters are not valid Simulink signal types - only numeric, fixed-point, enumerated and bus types (with elements of supported...
circa 10 anni fa | 0
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from matlab class to simulink
See the documentation section <http://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/ug/types-of-custom-blocks.html Types of Custom Blocks>MATL...
circa 10 anni fa | 1
how to build an interface between matlab and another software
MATLAB offers several ways of interfacing with external software. See <http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/index.html External ...
circa 10 anni fa | 1
Usage of idmodel in simulink
I don't have any experience with the System Identification Toolbox, but after looking at the documentation, it appears that you ...
circa 10 anni fa | 0
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Can't compile matcreat.cpp in linux
Have you tried compiling using the options file as described in the documentation: <http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_...
circa 10 anni fa | 0
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converting M-file into a block function in simulink
You can call the function from any of <http://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/ug/types-of-custom-blocks.html three MATLAB Functi...
circa 10 anni fa | 0
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Data bus Signals in Simulink
You can create Simulink Bus signals. See <http://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/composite-signals.html?searchHighlight=Using%20...
circa 10 anni fa | 0
Create a block to read keyboard inputs
The Embedded MATLAB Fcn block should be sufficient for your purpose. You can use the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/techdoc/ref/...
circa 10 anni fa | 0
SimMechanics Link problem
You need to download install_addon.m and the platform-specific ZIP file. Then go to the directory containing the downloaded file...
circa 10 anni fa | 0
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S-Fuction Steam mixer design: How to use m-function in a C code
Please see these previously answered questions on this topic: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/85499-plot-x-axi...
oltre 10 anni fa | 0
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how to use a C++ program to call a Matlab script
If you are running the C++ application on a machine that has MATLAB installed, see <http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/calling...
oltre 10 anni fa | 1
Is there any possibility of S-function written in C language calling matlab function library, and if so, then how ? I will appreciate that if someone can tell me.
C S-functions are just a special kind of MEX-function, the |mexFunction| entry-point is defined in |simulink.c|, which is #incl...
oltre 10 anni fa | 0
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How to model a rolling mill?
Are you referring to these files: <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/28386-modeling-and-control-of-multi-stage...
oltre 10 anni fa | 0
Question regarding Matlab level 2 S function
Yes, you can do this by <http://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/masking.html Masking> your S-function block. You can then add th...
oltre 10 anni fa | 0
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Simulink MxArray for logical array
See the answer for <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/122167-subscripting-into-an-mxarray-is-not-supported this sim...
oltre 10 anni fa | 0
How to import a 4x4x3 matrix in simulink from workspace?
Add a <http://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/ug/parameter-arguments-in-matlab-function-block-functions.html parameter argument>...
oltre 10 anni fa | 1
How can i creat a DLL file for Simulink Model??
You can use |ert_shrlib.tlc| if you have the Embedded Coder product to generate generic DLLs from your Simulink model. The relev...
oltre 10 anni fa | 0
How can I create code for an embedded Linux target with Simulink hosted on Windows?
You can select the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/rtw/ref/code-generation-pane-general.html#bq26b58-1 Generate Code Only> checkb...
oltre 10 anni fa | 0
Vary the Random number sampling time when it control over digital clock (built in Block) with different sampling time inside Embedded MATLAB function?
Depending on what you want, you can either set the sample-time of the MATLAB Function block to be 1e-3 as described in <http://w...
oltre 10 anni fa | 0
mexPrintf no longer works in r2014a?
In general <http://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/sfg/ssprintf.html ssPrintf> is recommended over |mexPrintf| in S-functions, a...
oltre 10 anni fa | 0
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Is it possible to read a value out of a graph, and use this value in simulink?
It looks like all you want is to interpolate your values. You may want to use the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/inte...
oltre 10 anni fa | 0
How to create variable system in S-Function using feedback data from simulink or workspace)
You can simply add additional parameters to the main function as follows: function [sys,x0,str,ts] = mycsfunc(t,x,u,flag,P,...
oltre 10 anni fa | 1
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Problem of building simulink model to ccs 3.3
Use the "cd" command in MATLAB to change to a different directory that is not under "C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2011a".
oltre 10 anni fa | 5
Integration problem between Simulink and CCS v4.2 - for TI C2000
Please see if <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/98075-why-is-the-echo-command-not-recognized-when-i-build-and-exec...
oltre 10 anni fa | 0
Not have enough information to determine output sizes
I think it is the loop in your model that is confusing Simulink propagation. You may want to insert a <http://www.mathworks.com/...
oltre 10 anni fa | 5
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