
Damian Sheehy

Last seen: 2 mesi fa Attivo dal 2016

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  • Knowledgeable Level 2
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How to solve the problem with loading "libmwpdekernel.dll" in matlab?
Hi Avijit, It's likely your distribution is missing a Microsoft Visual Studio runtime library named msvcp100.dll Take a look...

circa 7 anni fa | 0

Getting an error message when trying to import .stl file
The geometry may well have tiny gaps along an edge where two adjacent curved surfaces intersect. It may not be obvious when look...

circa 8 anni fa | 1

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Changing Faces of DiscreteGeometry (PDE Toolbox)
Elements 2,4,6 have reversed orientations. The input tetrahedral elements should honor the following numbering convention http...

circa 8 anni fa | 1

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I get this error in PDE toolbox, I don't know why.
Can you send me the geometry and I can take a look at it. My email has the following format: ...

oltre 8 anni fa | 0

I get this error in PDE toolbox, I don't know why.
When you plot a geometry in shaded mode, the function calls initmesh to generate triangles that can be used to pass to graphics ...

oltre 8 anni fa | 0

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How can I fix this error "Error using pde.PDEModel/geometryFromEdges (line 46) Assemblies of more than one geometric model are not currently supported. “ ?
If you wish to combine two sets of edges then do that before calling geometryFromEdges. If you want to replace an existing geome...

oltre 8 anni fa | 1

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Nonconstant coefficients PDE tool: Error telling me that function handle specifying function for coefficient must accept two input argument and return one output argument, yet that is the form that I have
You may have a syntax error in the body of the mcoeffunction function and the error it is producing may be misdiagnosed. I wou...

oltre 8 anni fa | 3

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Meshing failed with a hmax of...
Hi Ahmed, Can you provide a description of your geometry or sent it in to us at MathWorks and we can try to address the prob...

oltre 8 anni fa | 0

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How does the function pdegplot(model,'FaceLabels','on') detect the labeled Faces ?
The PDE toolbox does not support the editing of STL geometry at this time. You would need to edit the geometry in the CAD applic...

oltre 8 anni fa | 0