
Richard Willey


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New Regression Capabilities in r2012a
Example code to accompany the "New Regression Capabilities" presentation

oltre 8 anni fa | 2 download |



Computational Statistics: Feature Selection, Regularization, and Shrinkage
MATLAB code for "Computational Statistics: Feature Selection, Regularization, and Shrinkage"

oltre 8 anni fa | 4 download |



Data Driven Fitting with MATLAB
Demostration code and data sets for the "Data Driven Fitting with MATLAB" webinar.

oltre 8 anni fa | 2 download |



Exploring Protein-DNA Binding Sites from Paired-End ChIP-Seq Data
MATLAB code for the "Exploring Protein-DNA Binding Sites from Paired-End ChIP-Seq Data" webinar.

oltre 8 anni fa | 2 download |



Fitting with MATLAB: Statistics, Optimization, and Curve Fitting
Demo code and data for the "Fitting with MATLAB" webinar

oltre 8 anni fa | 3 download |



Introduction to Classification
Files and code from Computational Statistics: Getting Started with Classification using MATLAB®

oltre 8 anni fa | 6 download |



MATLAB code for the nonparametric fitting video
Use localized regression, cross validation, and the bootstrap for nonparametric fitting.

oltre 8 anni fa | 3 download |


Optimizing breakpoints for Tables
MATLAB code to support the "Generating Optimal Tables using MATLAB" webinar.

oltre 8 anni fa | 3 download |



Computational Statistics Webinar
Use cross validation and Bootstrap to enhance LOESS

oltre 8 anni fa | 1 download |

Crossvalidation of Classification Trees?
I recommend that you look at the following example from the file exchange

oltre 12 anni fa | 0

linear regression
Alternatively, if you have the 12a version of Statistics Tbx X = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]; Y = [4 5 6 9 8 7 4 1 2]; my...

oltre 12 anni fa | 1

How to apply Random walks ?
MATLAB includes a wide variety of functions that can be used to simulate a random walk. Depending on what precisely you want to...

oltre 12 anni fa | 1

What is a reasonable lower time limit for regstats?
MATLAB and Statistics Toolbox provide a variety of ways to perform a regression. For example, if I am performing a simple linea...

oltre 12 anni fa | 1

Parametric bootstraping in curve fitting
In general when I hear the expression parametric bootstrap I think "parametric residual bootstrap" I'm attaching some simple ...

oltre 12 anni fa | 1

| accettato

How do I Regression Fit a SinWave to a dataset?
Here's some simple code that illustrates how to perform nonlinear regression using the 12a release of Statistics Toolbox. Not...

oltre 12 anni fa | 1

Homework help.
Couple quick questions / comments 1. are you sure you typed in the model correctly? This looks very close to a Gompertz fun...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

Curve fitting f(x,y) result
I'm attaching code that shows a couple different ways to solve your problem. I prefer the second option. The R^2 is slightly...

quasi 13 anni fa | 1

Curve fitting f(x,y) result
Hi ZazOufUMl A "Poly31" model is different than the one that I suggested. (Poly31 will contain a number of cross terms). ...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

Curve fitting f(x,y) result
Hi there The "Poly54" fit type is specifying a 5th order polynomial in one direction and a 4th order polynomial in the other....

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

Matlab - How to Generate Random Numbers from a Specific Probability Density
If Pv and Pa can both be described as functions of a, you might be able to use a univariate generator to generate plausible valu...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

Multicolinearity/Regression/PCA and choice of optimal model (2nd try)
I'm attaching some code that might provide helpful I also have a two part blog posting on this same subject that provides a b...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

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The problem of using rng to generate random numbers.
From the sounds of things, the simplest thing to do would be to generate all of your random numbers OUTSIDE your loop. Start ...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

The problem of using rng to generate random numbers.
It's hard to make a specific recommendation without known more about the use case. What (specifically) are you trying to acco...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

I did a webinar a couple years titled: "Computational Statistics: An Introduction to Classification with MATLAB". You can ...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

Surface Fitting Tool Coefficient Structure
Local regression (aka LOWESS/LOESS) and interpolation don't lend themselves to parametric representations. There really isn't a...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

| accettato

Curve smoothing using Matlab
I have a function called FitIt on the file exchange that might prove useful. FitIt combines Local regression (to smooth yo...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

Get Y values from Curve Fitting Tool
For simplicity, this code is using a simple linear model. However, the same syntax with work for your nonlinear regression. ...

quasi 13 anni fa | 8

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Least squares linear regression when squares have to do with elasticity?
Here's a simple example using the new regression functions in the 12a release. All you need to do is pass the appropriate weigh...

quasi 13 anni fa | 1

Multi-parametric fit with matlab
Hi Miguel fitensemble is able to handle multiple independent variables. You should be able to use this with the data set tha...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

| accettato

Multi-parametric fit with matlab
Hi Miguel From the sounds of things, your central problem is that you're unable to specify an equation that describes the rel...

quasi 13 anni fa | 0

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