Charlie DeVane
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How do I create presets for my MATLAB audio plugin?
MATLAB audio plugins do not implement this capability directly. However, many DAWs provide this for you. For example, the screen...
oltre 4 anni fa | 0
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How do I create presets for my MATLAB audio plugin?
I would like to create presets to store different sets of plugin parameter settings so that I can recall them later. How can I d...
oltre 4 anni fa | 1 risposta | 0
rispostaHow do I get MIDI control of a VST plugin?
Hi Hiroshi, Sorry, but this is not supported by the standalone executable. Hope this helps, Charlie
quasi 5 anni fa | 0
Can't load generated VST in GarageBand
Hi Adrian, In the latest release (R2019b) you can generate AU plugins using generateAudioPlugin -au. hope this helps, Charl...
circa 5 anni fa | 1
Audio Plugin Oversampling delay behaviour
Hi Pablo, Oversampling adds latency to the processing. Most DAWs can compensate for latency if the plugin reports it to the DAW...
circa 5 anni fa | 0
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Is possible to generate a plot in a VST-Plugin?
Hi Alfonso, The documentation contains an example of exactly this, in Communicate Between a DAW and MATLAB Using UDP. hope thi...
circa 5 anni fa | 1
generating audio plugins is not supported in glnxa64
Hi Angeliki, In MATLAB releases before R2019b, validateAudioPlugin and generateAudioPlugin do not support Linux. As of release...
circa 5 anni fa | 0
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cannot generate VST audio plugin
Hi Sotiris, In R2019a, generateAudioPlugin produces no output to the command window when it succeeds. So when you say "absolute...
circa 5 anni fa | 0
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How can I SEND midi commands from within Simulink?
Hi Joel, You can use either the Interpreted MATLAB Function block or the MATLAB Function block to call the MATLAB MIDI function...
circa 5 anni fa | 0
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audio toolbox with MATLAB App Designer
Absolutely! See https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/app-designer.html to get started with App Designer.
oltre 5 anni fa | 1
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Stop playing audio using audioDeviceWriter.
audioDeviceWriter is designed to play back audio incrementally, by repeatedly writing frames (small amounts of the signal) to th...
oltre 5 anni fa | 0
mididevinfo doesn't recognize my device
Is your keyboard connected to your computer before starting MATLAB? Is your keyboard being accessed by any other program? Try ...
oltre 5 anni fa | 0
Audio Plugin in Juce error
Hi Pablo, The error messages suggest you are using a later version of JUCE than 5.3.2. Do you have another version installed th...
oltre 5 anni fa | 1
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How to setup a MIDI device for a software instrument?
Sorry, the Audio Toolbox does not have any builtin capability to read or write MIDI files. hth, Charlie
oltre 5 anni fa | 0
Validated Audio Plugin error
Hi Pablo, Bottom line on top: the problem is the current folder you were working in. You didn't actually need to copy the file ...
oltre 5 anni fa | 0
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Is it possible to change the audioplugin class VST GUI?
With the release of R2019b you can now customize the generated plugin's UI, including the position and appearance of controls, a...
oltre 5 anni fa | 0
Color Font UI in Audio Plugin
Hi Pablo, No, sorry, there is no way to change the font color in audioPluginParameter. A workaround is to use the -juceproject...
oltre 5 anni fa | 0
Is it possible to change the audioplugin class VST GUI?
As of release R2019a, generateAudioPlugin has a new switch -juceproject that will produce C/C++ source code for the plugin along...
quasi 6 anni fa | 0
File Load Dialog Problem in Matlab Audio Plugin
Sorry, there is currently no way to do this in a generated plugin. As for the property value issue, suppose you set a property'...
quasi 6 anni fa | 0
Error in ==> createPluginInstance Line: 1 Column: 1
What happens when you run validateAudioPlugin on your plugin?
quasi 6 anni fa | 0
Load VST instrument and play MIDI events
Sorry, this is not currently supported.
quasi 6 anni fa | 0
AudioPluginSource testbench error: output size
Hi Andreas, The size of the output is constrained by the VST plugin API. If your code produces the wrong size output, your gene...
quasi 6 anni fa | 0
compression ratio in compressor function:
Hi Khaled, Looking at the static characteristic (input/output graph), the ratio R is the reciprocal of the slope above the thre...
quasi 6 anni fa | 0
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Solve the Sudoku Row
*Description* A simple yet tedious task occurs near the end of most Sudoku-solving algorithms, computerized or manual. The ta...
circa 6 anni fa
[Audio System Toolbox] Changing properties bound to Interface Parameters
Assignments to parameter properties are not permitted because the plugin host cannot detect the parameter change, leaving the ho...
circa 6 anni fa | 0
Matlab MIDI note value input not working, but control values are working
The R2018a release of Audio System Toolbox added these capabilities to MATLAB. Search the documentation for "MIDI Device Inter...
circa 6 anni fa | 0
MATLAB Coder/VST Plugin Generation: How to use MIDI devices?
Hi Max, Generating VSTi plugins (ie, plugins that receive MIDI messages) is not yet supported. MATLAB Coder supports MIDI onl...
circa 6 anni fa | 0
In an Audio Plugin process function, what does 'in' represent?
in contains one frame (buffer) of audio to be processed. In your example, in contained 1024 samples (rows) with 2 channels (co...
circa 6 anni fa | 1
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Want to pass in MIDI info in an external host plugin instead of audio?
VSTi (synth VST) plugins are not currently supported. You can load the plugin using loadAudioPlugin, but there is no way to pass...
circa 6 anni fa | 0