
Sudhakar Shinde

Last seen: 6 mesi fa Attivo dal 2020

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Inter runnable variables not imported for init runnable
This is limitation. However you already noted you can use PIM (Per-instance-memory) for this purpose instead of IRV.

oltre 3 anni fa | 0

when i am saving workspce of function , it's not containing all variables.
There may not be direct function available to merge two workspace data directly. If you would like to save base workspace and f...

quasi 4 anni fa | 0

| accettato

Have an array of 16 values, want to output them in order value by value, with the same string of text before each value
Use for loop: amount = [a, b, c, d, e, f]; for i=1:length(amount) disp(['The amount is: ',amount(i)]); end

quasi 4 anni fa | 0

Deleting last element of a nested structure
To remove filed from structure check rmfield. Example: s.a = 1; s.b = 2; s.c = 3; Remove field b. field = 'b'; s = rmfiel...

quasi 4 anni fa | 0

how to get Model advisor report name?
Check example: Generate Report with Specified Name and Location temp = generateReport(app,'Location',FolderLocation); [RptPth...

quasi 4 anni fa | 0


Matlab Unit test for structure input. How to use same test for n numbers.
I have a matlab unit test class. Here i am using setup method to form structure i.e. 'testCase.out' this structure have n values...

quasi 4 anni fa | 2 risposte | 0



If statement for identifying row/column vectors/matrix/scalars
'isrow' function returns true if input is row vector. isrow(in) 'iscolumn' function returns true if input is column vector....

quasi 4 anni fa | 1

why this code can't run in my PC but can run in another. it show error about "Invalid expression. When calling a function or indexing a variable, use parentheses. Otherwise, check for mismatched delimiters"
Looks like bracket close ')' missing for G1 & G2: G1=(round(255*(F/255).^gamma1)) G2=(round(255*(F/255).^gamma2))

quasi 4 anni fa | 0

How to make this code in loop - Image processing
Loop to read images: my_folder =pwd; %Folder path where images are present filenames=dir(fullfile(my_folder,'*.jpg')); Image ...

quasi 4 anni fa | 0

How to read a text file line by line and store its element into two arrays.
Check: Table = readtable('InputFile.txt'); %Read text file in table format FirstColumn = Table(:,1); % First column data S...

quasi 4 anni fa | 0

Loading image files in the workspace from a folder
Check: my_folder =pwd; %Folder path where images are present PngFilenames=dir(fullfile(my_folder,'*.png')); JpgFilenames=dir...

quasi 4 anni fa | 0

string comparison database and label comparison
%use Compare strings strcmp(T(:,1),string(label)) %or Compare strings (case insensitive) strcmpi(T(:,1),string(label)) Che...

quasi 4 anni fa | 0

How to operate on different rows of the same matrix?
Try this: [A(1,1) A(2,1)] %[1 2] [A(1,1) A(3,1)] %[1 3] [A(1,1) A(4,1)] %[1 4] [A(2,1) A(3,1)] %[2 3] [A(2,1) A(4,1...

quasi 4 anni fa | 0

Sorting Vector A in Ascending order and apply the same steps to Vector B
[m n]=sort(A); disp(m); % Sorted A vector in ascending order B=B(n); disp(B);% Sorted B according to A.

quasi 4 anni fa | 0

calculate an output signal based on user input data
Use input command to get user input Input = input('Enter input value: '); 2. To calculate power use Input^3 ...

quasi 4 anni fa | 0

want to read 38 csv files only first and second column?
csvFile = dir("*.csv") ; N = length(csvFile) ; for i = 1:N data = readtable(csvFile(i).name) ; iwant = data.Point...

quasi 4 anni fa | 0

| accettato

How to first form a variable and then assign values to it?
Switch can be one option. Var='Temperature'; switch Var case 'Temperature' Temperature=[1; 5; 3; 7]; ...

quasi 4 anni fa | 0

Error using zeros, Size inputs must be scalar. Need help with this error in my function.
If you are inputing, Enter the length of the vector : 2 (any scalar value) then it will work m = zeros(1,length(ln)) 2....

quasi 4 anni fa | 0

How can I extract the usernames and hosts from a .txt file
You can use readtable to read text file into table format. file = 'data_file.txt'; opts = detectImportOptions(file ); T=readt...

quasi 4 anni fa | 0

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How do I plot specific data from an export excel file?
Example: Then you need plot of Value1 vs Value2 of country 'Canada' : table=readtable('test1.xlsx'); Data= contains((table...

quasi 4 anni fa | 0

Matlab Function find sum of Euclidean distances from a given 2-D point
Use docsearch 'Euclidean'. Use norm to calculate...

quasi 4 anni fa | 0

one size image for CNN
You can checkout imresize function to make image sizes to be equal.

quasi 4 anni fa | 1

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How to store data of FOR LOOP iteration?
You can use P_new(i) or P_new{i} to store loop result.

quasi 4 anni fa | 0

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How do I replace Matrix elements
Try this: A((A>1)|(A<0))=5

quasi 4 anni fa | 0

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generating files using loop or other functions
Use readtable and writetable functions. Data=readtable('x1)Data.xlsx'); % Read excel data [R,C]=size(Data); % get number of co...

quasi 4 anni fa | 0

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How can I resize all images within a cell array?
This could work if your images are size of [MxNx3]: for i=1:length(image_content) ResImage{i}=imresize(image_content{i},[2...

quasi 4 anni fa | 0

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NaNs when reading from table
As there are empty fields within your csv file, MATLAB read it as NAN(not a number). Thought could be: Create a data in csv s...

quasi 4 anni fa | 0

Suggestion on what im doing wrong.
The 'min' function and for loop will help: A=[8 1 -2 9 5 11 6]; n=2; % Exclude 2 smallest elements for i=1:n [num,id]=min(...

quasi 4 anni fa | 0

Convert patch Matlab to file STL
Check this:

quasi 4 anni fa | 1

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How to rearrange a cell array with a given index vector
change semicolon to comma to seperate 2 & 3 from id: idx = [2,3,1];

quasi 4 anni fa | 0

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