
Project Euler: Problem 4, Palindromic numbers
A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The largest palindrome made from the product of two 2-digit numbers is 9009 = 91 ...

oltre 4 anni fa


Project Euler: Problem 3, Largest prime factor
The prime factors of 13195 are 5, 7, 13 and 29. What is the largest prime factor of the number being input, input might be ui...

oltre 4 anni fa


Natural numbers in string form
Create a cell array of strings containing the first n natural numbers. _Slightly_ harder than it seems like it should be. Ex...

oltre 4 anni fa


Fix the last element of a cell array
Note: this is lifted directly from <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/82825-puzzler-for-a-monday Puzzler for a Mond...

oltre 4 anni fa


String Array Basics, Part 1: Convert Cell Array to String Array; No Missing Values
<http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/characters-and-strings.html String array> and cell array are two types of containers for s...

oltre 4 anni fa


Cell Counting: How Many Draws?
You are given a cell array containing information about a number of soccer games. Each cell contains one of the following: * ...

oltre 4 anni fa


Remove element(s) from cell array
You can easily remove an element (or a column in any dimension) from a normal matrix, but assigning that value (or range) empty....

oltre 4 anni fa


Convert a Cell Array into an Array
Given a square cell array: x = {'01', '56'; '234', '789'}; return a single character array: y = '0123456789'

oltre 4 anni fa


Split a string into chunks of specified length
Given a string and a vector of integers, break the string into chunks whose lengths are given by the elements of the vector. Ex...

oltre 4 anni fa


Convert a numerical matrix into a cell array of strings
Given a numerical matrix, output a *cell array of string*. For example: if input = 1:3 output is {'1','2','3'} whic...

oltre 4 anni fa


Create a cell array out of a struct
Create a cell array out of a (single) struct with the fieldname in the first column and the value in the second column: in: ...

oltre 4 anni fa


Area of an Isoceles Triangle
An isosceles triangle has equal sides of length x and a base of length y. Find the area, A, of the triangle. <<http://upload...

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Side of a rhombus
If a rhombus has diagonals of length x and x+1, then what is the length of its side, y? <<http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipe...

oltre 4 anni fa


Minefield Sonar
*Background* In mine-hunting games (e.g. Microsoft Minesweeper), the user is provided with a covered grid that, upon a left c...

oltre 4 anni fa


Word Counting and Indexing
You are given a list of strings, each being a list of words divided by spaces. Break the strings into words, then return a maste...

oltre 4 anni fa


Find state names that end with the letter A
Given a list of US states, remove all the states that end with the letter A. Example: Input s1 = 'Alabama Montana Nebras...

oltre 4 anni fa


Find the two-word state names
Given a list of states, remove all the states that have two-word names. If s1 = 'Alabama Montana North Carolina Vermont N...

oltre 4 anni fa


Rescale Scores
Each column (except last) of matrix |X| contains students' scores in a course assignment or a test. The last column has a weight...

oltre 4 anni fa


Find MPG of Lightest Cars
The file |cars.mat| contains a table named |cars| with variables |Model|, |MPG|, |Horsepower|, |Weight|, and |Acceleration| for ...

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Calculate Inner Product
Given two input matrices, |x| and |y|, check if their inner dimensions match. * If they match, create an output variable |z|...

oltre 4 anni fa


Find the Best Hotels
Given three input variables: * |hotels| - a list of hotel names * |ratings| - their ratings in a city * |cutoff| - the rat...

oltre 4 anni fa


Crop an Image
A grayscale image is represented as a matrix in MATLAB. Each matrix element represents a pixel in the image. An element value re...

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Integer Sequence - II : New Fibonacci
Crack the following Integer Sequence. (Hints : It has been obtained from original Fibonacci Sequence and all the terms are also ...

oltre 4 anni fa


Find the next Fibonacci number
In the sequence of Fibonacci numbers, every number is the sum of the two preceding ones: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55...

oltre 4 anni fa


Too mean-spirited
Find the mean of each consecutive pair of numbers in the input row vector. For example, x=[1 2 3] ----> y = [1.5 2.5] x=[1...

oltre 4 anni fa


Area of an equilateral triangle
Calculate the area of an equilateral triangle of side x. <<http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e0/Equilateral-tr...

oltre 4 anni fa


Length of a short side
Calculate the length of the short side, a, of a right-angled triangle with hypotenuse of length c, and other short side of lengt...

oltre 4 anni fa


Calculate BMI
Given a matrix |hw| (height and weight) with two columns, calculate BMI using these formulas: * 1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds * 1 ...

oltre 4 anni fa


Plot Damped Sinusoid
Given two vectors |t| and |y|, make a plot containing a blue ( |b| ) dashed ( |--| ) line of |y| versus |t|. Mark the minimum...

oltre 4 anni fa


Calculate a Damped Sinusoid
The equation of a damped sinusoid can be written as |y = A.&#8519;^(-&lambda;t)*cos(2πft)| where |A|, |&lambda;|, and |f| ...

oltre 4 anni fa

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