
Nipun Katyal

Last seen: circa un anno fa Attivo dal 2020

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Make static variables in mex keep their values between calls
In order to make the variable persistent in memory so as to save its state after every mex call you can use mexMakeMemoryPersist...

circa 4 anni fa | 0

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Would it be possible to save a draft in gmail using Matlab?
You can send a mail from Matlab and attach files to it as mentioned in the given link, although the functionality you are lookin...

circa 4 anni fa | 0

How to concatenate time traces and fill up missing data?
Hi, The problem mentioned above can be tackled using fillmissing function all you to do is generate a time vector according to ...

circa 4 anni fa | 0

'File format not recognized" using mex
This problem occurs because the supported file type is .so/.dll and not .lib/.dll. If you want to tell the linker to link this l...

circa 4 anni fa | 1

Application Compiler를 통해 생성된 .exe 파일은 외부의 데이터를 읽을 수 있습니까?
Hi, matlab compiler provides the interface to include data files you can find an example in the link below How to include data ...

circa 4 anni fa | 0

Building machine learning model
Hi, as you have only two labels such a large number of neighbours are not required, Instead you can change the distance to 'cosi...

circa 4 anni fa | 0

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Import multiple data files (.sto) together
Although it is recommended not to allot variable names dynamically and it is better to access similar files using data stores, i...

circa 4 anni fa | 1

How can I link .a FORTRAN libraries to mex files?
The issue at hand is that the mex compiler is trying to find a ".lib" file instead of a ".a" file. If you are using windows you ...

circa 4 anni fa | 0

How do I get rid of "gmake: *** [main.obj] Error 1" when using MATLAB Coder?
After the generation of code you will find the main function in “/codegen/lib/coderand/examples” folder. Create another folder “...

circa 4 anni fa | 0

Classifier not working properly on test set
clc clear all rawData = xlsread('new7.xlsx'); [m,n] = size(rawData); new7 = rawData(randperm(m),:); X_train=new7(1:1200,1...

circa 4 anni fa | 0

Tuning PID controller for MIMO system in simulink
Hi, Here is the resource to tune your PI controller for a MIMO system. You can also try this example to check for some errors ...

circa 4 anni fa | 2

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New to DSP. fvtool output different to parameters of filter exported from filter designer
Hi, In order to visualize the frequency range for your filter you need to set the sampling frequency, otherwise it will use the...

circa 4 anni fa | 0

numerator and denominator coefficients from designfilt function
The type of coefficients you encounter are called Second order section coefficients. Second-order section coefficients, specif...

circa 4 anni fa | 0

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How do I call/use the MATLAB engine from a Fortran program?
In order to check if your installation is correct, please follow the steps given in the link below

circa 4 anni fa | 0

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Opencv Matlab compatibility in c++
Hi, All the data to and from MATLAB is casted as an mxArray pointer, in order to use open cv function you need to convert the ...

circa 4 anni fa | 0

Randomly select one file, every 10 files, and randomise where you take that file from
Hi, I see that you need to select a file randomly at intervals of 10, hope this logic might help you, b = 1000; for i = 1:10:...

circa 4 anni fa | 0

Can anyone interpret this regression plot for neural networks?
As the ylabel of these graphs denote an equation between the predicted value and the target value, with output as the dependent ...

oltre 4 anni fa | 0

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I am importing Facebook messages from JSON, but getting weird symbols instead of standard quotations and such?
You can get the text from the json file using fileread but you need to decode it. This can be done using jsondecode. Follow the ...

oltre 4 anni fa | 0

100% Classification accuracy
Since you haven't provided the dataset on which you are wokring it is difficult to say that you model has been overfitted or not...

oltre 4 anni fa | 0

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open only a field in a large tiff image
MATLAB provides out-of-core processing with the help of bigimage for formats like .tiff, It enables you to read blocks from the ...

oltre 4 anni fa | 1

Using audiowrite function for large array (out of memory)
There are two work arounds for your scenario: Since the total memory available to an application comprises of the RAM,and a pag...

oltre 4 anni fa | 0

optimal values for cell data
Yeah there is some problem while handling the cell Here is the correct way to handle it % Make some data Daten = rand(100, 3...

oltre 4 anni fa | 0

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optimal values for cell data
Inorder to perform operations on cells use cellfun as mentioned below: % Make some data Daten = rand(100, 3); Daten(:,3) = Da...

oltre 4 anni fa | 0

How to search text in MongoDB
Make sure you have a proper installation of MongoDB and the corresponding support packages in matlab To connect to an existing ...

oltre 4 anni fa | 0

Can the googlenet on Transfer Learning in 10 Lines of MATLAB Code
The documentation and tutorial for transfer learning on pretrained models can be found in the links below. https://www.mathwork...

oltre 4 anni fa | 0

Thermal camera image processing - (
An indexed image is basically a gray scale image along with a color map where the pixel values are the indices in the color map ...

oltre 4 anni fa | 0

Create a sequence based on other arrays
You can do this by maintaining two variables to store the current two indices until the correponding elements in V are exhausted...

oltre 4 anni fa | 0