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Aspiring bioengineer with an interest in image processing.
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Fitting data with two peaks
You could get a close approximation of peak position with a cubic spline fit and local maxima. You could also try just smoothin...
quasi 10 anni fa | 0
[DISCONTINUED] MATLAB Answers Wish-list #2 (and bug reports)
Perhaps there is a method of which I am not aware, but I would like to be able to track questions that I commented on and not ac...
oltre 12 anni fa | 2
Finding pixels in connected component
It sounds like you are looking for a perimeter of a shape as the "bounding box." If so, use <http://www.mathworks.com/help/imag...
oltre 12 anni fa | 0
array: concatenate two columns of integers to one colum
A = [1234, 567; 1, 234]; %Sample Data % Figure out how many spaces to shift the left column C = ceil(log10(A(:,2))); ...
oltre 12 anni fa | 0
How can I fill the area between two curves other than facecolors
Check out the <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/1736-hatched-fill-patterns "Hatched Fill Patterns" FEX Submis...
oltre 12 anni fa | 0
| accettato
Return the 3n+1 sequence for n
A Collatz sequence is the sequence where, for a given number n, the next number in the sequence is either n/2 if the number is e...
oltre 12 anni fa
combining number of images using matlab
See the <http://matlab.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ#How_can_I_process_a_sequence_of_files.3F Matlab FAQ>.
oltre 12 anni fa | 0
how to determine the best tangential at every points from a freehand line?
I have been struggling with a related issue myself as of late. I settled for sampling the image with a small window and usi...
oltre 12 anni fa | 0
Dividing the pixel into blocks
Do you have the image processing toolbox? This should get you started down the right path: * <http://www.mathworks.com/produ...
oltre 12 anni fa | 0
BWDIST label matrix not returning expected labels
I am trying to use the label matrix feature of |bwdist|, but am encountering a problem. *Instead of returning the linear index ...
oltre 12 anni fa | 2 risposte | 0
risposteHow to store different # of values, obtained in iterations, in Matrix / array ?
<http://matlab.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ#How_can_I_create_variables_A1.2C_A2.2C....2CA10_in_a_loop.3F FAQ> I think I deciphered your...
oltre 12 anni fa | 0
Cody: Problem 30 - function Sortrows
You were taking the complex conjugate of |z|. Be careful whenever you use |'| to transpose in Matlab! function z = complex...
oltre 12 anni fa | 1
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Boundary of an image
Utilize the matlab function <http://www.mathworks.com/help/toolbox/images/ref/regionprops.html |regionprops(...,'MajorAxisLength...
oltre 12 anni fa | 0
Mapping colored image on grayscale
I = imread('Brain.jpg'); Tumor = imread('Tumor.jpg'); ThresholdValue = 10; % You'll want to find the best value mas...
oltre 12 anni fa | 1
rows which do not contain zero
row_numbers = find(sum(A,2) ~= 0); number_of_rows = numel(row_numbers);
oltre 12 anni fa | 0
i can't uderstand the image blurring in following code....what does the following blurring filter do? how does it work?
I believe your unblurred is your expected blurred, and your blurred is actually the frequency domain for the blurred image. The ...
oltre 12 anni fa | 0
How to create a loop calcualtion?
So you have a 1 x 20 vector you want to fill off of knowing just the first value and each previously value determines the next? ...
oltre 12 anni fa | 1
find out the orientation, length and radius of curved rectangular object
Have you looked at MF <http://www.mathworks.com/help/toolbox/images/ref/regionprops.html regionprops()>?
oltre 12 anni fa | 0
Code of plotting from SCOPE three axis to sublots
This is not writing all the code for you, but this should hopefully help. Your error seems to be in how to access the informati...
oltre 12 anni fa | 0
Indexing points along curve in matrix in order from one endpoint to the other
I have a logical image with many 1-px wavy curve segments and I am trying to fit a curve to these segments to find the orientati...
oltre 12 anni fa | 2 risposte | 0
risposteHow can I sort a string both alphabetically and numerically?
<http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/7212-asort-a-pedestrian-alphanumeric-string-sorter FEX Submission "ASORT: A...
oltre 12 anni fa | 1
how do you make an array with letters
letters = 'A':'P'; % According to this nifty iPhone Matlab Mobile app
oltre 12 anni fa | 0
Classification of Brain tumor
In addition to IA's answer, this seems to be a question requesting a novel idea of how to differentiate tumor types accurately u...
oltre 12 anni fa | 1
How can i write the frequency vector for frequency range 5-400 hz using 50 frequncy points
|FrequencyVector = linspace(5,400,50); %linspace(min,max,# of points)|
oltre 12 anni fa | 0
Help splitting blobs that contain overlap in an image
A sample image may result in better answers if you can provide one. It sounds like you'll need to use a watershed techniq...
oltre 12 anni fa | 0
Is code formatting still too complicated
I would recommend implementing an "open code" and "close code" tag system similar to the other features in the comment section |...
oltre 12 anni fa | 1
Get the index for the search of multiple strings within an array of strings
Is this what you were looking for? list = {'bad','worse','good','okay'}; badlist = {'bad','worse'}; idx = ismember...
oltre 12 anni fa | 2
Add new column a vector.
x = [0;0;2;2;1;0;0;2;0]; y = [43;43;34;34;34]; Combined{1} = x; Combined{2} = y; You need to use cells |{}| in order...
oltre 12 anni fa | 0
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How can I create a 16'' by 3.5'' rectangle centered on a 11'' by 17'' paper?
Use |<http://www.mathworks.com/help/techdoc/ref/rectangle.html rectangle('Position',[x,y,w,h])>|. I am assuming the reason ...
oltre 12 anni fa | 0
how to generate function of an ellipse?
There is a function to draw such an ellipse in Matlab if you have the PDE toolbox, |<http://www.mathworks.com/help/toolbox/pde/u...
oltre 12 anni fa | 1
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