why FFT result and IFFT result has diffrent in very small value? how to avoid this to increase precission?
Hi nirwana, This is totally normal behavior, just computation being computation. Matlab uses double precision arithmetic with ...

11 mesi fa | 0

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Finding positive-, negative- and zero-sequence components in Matlab
Hi Ygor, I believe the problem is that you are going too soon to real values for Ua,Ub,Uc. In Ua = ((exp(1i.*w1.*t)+exp(-1i.*...

11 mesi fa | 1

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How to solve such integrations on MATLAB?
Hi simran, for any general function f(z) and a set of points [z1, z2, z3 ...] that describes a path in the complex plane (not n...

11 mesi fa | 0

How to do LU factorization without permutation? The lu() is with permutation.
Hi Alvin Certainly you can do the decomposition without permutation, just not with Matlab lu. (Why you might want to is a diff...

11 mesi fa | 1

Period of a Linear Congruential Random Number Generator
HI William. If you're still listening, then if you are only interested in the period and not all of the values of x along the w...

11 mesi fa | 0

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Dot product of two vector
Hello Syazana syms c1 s1 n1 n2 n3 a1 a2 a3 real A = [c1 -s1 0; s1 c1 0; 0 0 1] A = [c1, -s1, 0] [s1, c1,...

11 mesi fa | 0

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Solve the integral in the point where the function is singular
Hi Dimani, Leaving out the first '1 ' term that has no singularity and leaving off some constants, you are basically looking at...

12 mesi fa | 0

How to generate a noise which sums up as zero?
Hi Ananta, noise=randn(1,64)*sqrt(0.001)*240 noise = noise - mean(noise); if you subtract off the mean, then the new sum of t...

12 mesi fa | 0

Trying to use modified secant method to solve for a theta over different g values.
Hi Carson, let b = g*d^2/(2*v^2) % a distance then your equation (multiplied by -1) is b/cos^2 - d*tan - y = 0 plug in ...

circa un anno fa | 0

I require frequency response from transfer function = 1/(s^2+(b/m)*s+k/m) where b= 0.0011, k= 87.88 , m = 0.99 in matlab and i need freq in khz
Hi sia, there is not much need to do any detailed calculation when your starting point is what it is. This system has a small a...

circa un anno fa | 0

Difference between 2 orientations
Hello Jonathan, You have two 3x3 rotation matrices, each expressed in terms of euler angles, Rrpha(:,1:3) = [cp.*ch, -sp, cp...

circa un anno fa | 0

Can't tell if exprnd is working correctly
Hi Umberto, I believe the issue happens because you are plotting the cumulative variables D1 and D2. Once the difference D1-D2...

circa un anno fa | 0

Raising a large sparse matrix to a large power
Hi if you are operating on 'a particular vector' v then you do not have to iterate as in m = m*m % iterate to form ...

circa un anno fa | 2

I’m thinking of make a command to change Hankel matrix into x time series
Hi Ahmed, here is one way y = magic(5) n = size(y,2); x = zeros(1,2*n-1); x(1:2:end) = diag(y).'; x(2:2:end) = diag(y,1)...

circa un anno fa | 0

How to find the width of a peak where there is no actual data, just individual points?
Hi Alfredo, Usually your ydata would be the frequency domain version of a linear quantity such as voltage or displacement. Hal...

circa un anno fa | 1

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why the simulation period is wrong about schrodinger equation in a harmonic potential
Hi Daniel, Nice animation. Looks like in your 'hamiltonian' function, the kinetic energy is missing a factor of 1/2. Changing...

circa un anno fa | 0

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Units for Thermal PDE thermalProperties Function
Hi Simon, The heat conduction equation is dT/dt = alpha (d^2/dx^2+d^2/dy^2+d^2/dz^2) T where alpha, the thermal diffusivity, ...

circa un anno fa | 0

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solve 4 equations with some unknown coefficients.
Hi Ahmad, If the answers don't have to match up with the paper, that makes things easier. I took four equations very similar t...

circa un anno fa | 0

looking for convenient way to extract matrix from 1*n*n
Hi YL, A=zeros(5,5,5) B=squeeze(sum(A,1)); Squeeze removes all singleton dimensions.

circa un anno fa | 0

xcorr lag input to time?
Hi Carly, lags is a dimensionless index, so it's in samples (it has to be samples since xcorr has no way of knowing what fs mig...

circa un anno fa | 0

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Most efficient way to put vector on the off-diagonal of the blocks of a block matrix
Hi David, MODIFIED see Dyuman's comment to sensibly shorten this original code. n = 4; v = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 7 6]; % le...

circa un anno fa | 1

How can I create a random matrix without repeating any value between column
Hello Wan, all columns contain 1 through 4, and all columns are different a = perms(1:4) % all 24 permutations of 1:4 ...

circa un anno fa | 1

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recreating roots of a derivative of bessel funtion of first order
Hi fv, Here is a function for the first q zeros of both Jn(x) and dJn(x) /dx. As an example, to find the first 100 zeros of th...

circa un anno fa | 1

Picking Branch Cut of Square Root
Hi bil, Here is a function that does that job. It appears that you want to do the division (a-i)/(a+i) before taking the squar...

circa un anno fa | 2

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Find the nonzero maximum frequency corresponding to FFT graph.
Hi Zahra, the peak at zero frequency is because your signal does not have average value of zero, but has a DC offset. To elimi...

oltre un anno fa | 0

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Find combination of 12 matrix rows, fulfilling certain criterion, from matrix of size 3432 *7
Hi Ernesto, Once you have a single 12x7 solution you can make many more by random element swapping of elements in that matrix. ...

oltre un anno fa | 0

I know it is a redundant question, but i have no idea why solve keeps returning 0
Hello Andrei, First of all, all these expressions are functions of (x1-x2) and (y1-y2) only. That means if x1,x2,y1,y2 is a so...

oltre un anno fa | 2

atanh of negative complex numbers
Hi Derek, For the troublesome subplot, try semilogx(f,unwrap(imag(2*x*gamma))/(2*x)) The idea is that the phase is proportion...

oltre un anno fa | 0

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Solving systems of trig equations
Hi Jon, Here is one method. To come up with values of r and g that work, it appears to be easier to think in terms of R = r^2 ...

oltre un anno fa | 1

Change the period/frequency of a Van der Pol Oscillator
Hi Alexis, If you want to preserve the shape you will have to have a larger set of parameters. I am taking as given your equa...

oltre un anno fa | 0

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