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How to add CLEAR, PRESET terminals in J-K FLIP FLOP
If you want to create a MOD-3 counter using J-K flip-flops in Simulink and as there is no direct CLR (Clear) or PR (Preset) port...
oltre un anno fa | 0
passing filenames to a dos command
To pass the filenames to the dos command, you need to properly construct the command string to include the file names. Here's h...
oltre un anno fa | 0
How to Improve the image quality
Hi Abu, If you plan to include the graph in a LaTeX document, using vector-based formats like EPS or PDF is recommended. Thes...
oltre un anno fa | 0
How to specify fin length in heatsink block?
In Simulink's Heat Sink block, the "depth" parameter typically refers to the thickness or height of the heat sink, not the lengt...
oltre un anno fa | 0
i am tring to input different z values to get different B using matrix manipulation. just having trouble using for loop
Code seems to be working! Can you please elaborate what error you're getting?
circa 2 anni fa | 0
Remove Whitespace & Text From Cell
Hi, You can make use of strrep: Find and replace substrings function
circa 2 anni fa | 0
How to measure elapsed time in hh:mm:ss?
Hi you can use of seconds function: tic; s = seconds(toc/86400); s.Format = 'hh:mm:ss' Hope this helps!
circa 2 anni fa | 0
How to plot graph In Simulink model with help of MatLab fUnction block ?
Hi, You can do this with the help of scope block You can read more about it using following resources: SCOPE Display signals ...
circa 2 anni fa | 0
Deactivate Matlab on a dead computer
Hi, you can go through following posts to solve your query: How can I deactivate MATLAB on a machine I cannot access? Deactiva...
circa 2 anni fa | 1
Is it possible to add an element to a "sub array"?
Hello Vincent, For an existing cell array stateMeasurements, you can assign a new element to the end using direct indexing. For...
circa 2 anni fa | 0
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How to import .mat file in MATLAB?
Hi Bidyarani, You can make use of load function to read the .mat file into MATLAB. Below is the sample code for that: filen...
circa 2 anni fa | 1
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plot a smooth curve
Hi Mohanned, It sounds like you want a kind of interpolation, because "smoothing" usually trims the values of the extreme poi...
circa 2 anni fa | 1
What is the difference between tcpip and tcpclient?
There is a similar post answering the query: Difference between tcpclient and tcpip?
circa 2 anni fa | 0
Other Programs that can execute MATLAB code
Hello Fortia, To my knowledge, you can do run MATLAB code/functions from various programming languages. I have attached releva...
circa 2 anni fa | 1
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How can I trigger Stateflow's "Arrange Automatically" via the API?
I am not aware of ways to align or distribute blocks programmatically but, starting MATLAB 2018b you can use Simulink.BlockDiagr...
circa 2 anni fa | 0
Does anyone has the codes of the Sobel edge technique?
Hello Albert, I do not have much knowledge in the Sobel Edge Detection Technique. So, I cannot directly help you with your cod...
circa 2 anni fa | 0
i want to need image encryption and decryption algorithm applying process on MATLAB?
Hello Hasnain, I do not have much knowledge in the images encryption or decryption field. So, I cannot directly help you with ...
circa 2 anni fa | 0
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Simulink Can't Open
This issue could caused by different reasons. To narrow down the root cause of this issue, kindly try the follow workarounds: ...
circa 2 anni fa | 0
How to run two loops simulatenously which share varaibles in MATLAB?
Hi, Not all MATLAB for loops can be converted to parfor. In your this part of code: disp(value) if(value > count) brea...
circa 2 anni fa | 0
Unable to install MATLAB Runtime version 9.8 (R2020a). Need help and guidance on what to do next.
Hi, You are getting this error probably because the downloaded zip is corrupted, Please use following link to download the M...
circa 2 anni fa | 0
Auto Arrange Layout in simulink stuck in ubuntu
Hello Om, You can use the keyboard shortcut for auto arranging which is 'Ctrl+Shift+A'. If you are still facing the issue th...
circa 2 anni fa | 0
writing data of formula
Hi Z = (sin(k)/x_2(s)) * ((cos(phi(k)) + (1j*(sin(phi(k)))))) The variable Z just stores the calculated value in every iterati...
circa 2 anni fa | 0
What is the difference between demod and ammod?
Hi, demod(y,fc,fs,method) demodulates the real carrier signal y with a carrier frequency fc and sample rate fs using the method...
circa 2 anni fa | 0
Error in using join command
Hi, From the error messgae it seems like two columns doesn't have the same data type and you need to convert one of them. Foll...
circa 2 anni fa | 0
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Videos matlab app designer?
Hi, For converting your program to app you can refer the following video: Getting Started with App Designer
circa 2 anni fa | 0
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Array indicates must be positive integers or logical values
Hi, Matlab Array indices start from 1. Since you are using taking h as input and runnng loop till h-1 so both of following doe...
circa 2 anni fa | 0
Which Matlab application, can be used for Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) communication channel calculations?
Hi, for Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) relates tasks, you will be requiring UAV Toolbox, which you can install using the following l...
circa 2 anni fa | 0
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Does the appdesigner UI can display satelliteScenarioViewer?
There is currently no way to embed the Satellite Viewer into an App Designer app. The Satellite Viewer does not have the parent ...
circa 2 anni fa | 0
SPM12 GUI slow on macOS 12.5
Hi please download the JetBrains version of JRE using the archive of JetBrains:
circa 2 anni fa | 0
how to read datetime from a time server?
Hi, please see the similar articles to get the datetime from servers/online: Using NTP protocol: get today's date online via Ma...
circa 2 anni fa | 0