Real Time Low Pass Filtering
All digital filters working in real time must have some delay, this is a law of filtering in general. The amount of delay depen...

oltre un anno fa | 0

Image analysis for speckle pattern
It is possible, try looking over this example: https://www.mathworks.com/help/images/correcting-nonuniform-illumination.html ...

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How to break data in to groups using while loop?
Even better, use the vectorization features in Matlab to count NaNs in each row all at once. nanCounts = sum(isnan(matrix),1); ...

oltre un anno fa | 0

Replacing specific block with subsystems
Here is one way. I think you would just use a constant block rather than From Workspace because From Workspace is looking to us...

oltre un anno fa | 0

| accettato

I need to know how to use the for command to calculate y=2/x
x = 1:10; y = 2 ./ x;

oltre un anno fa | 0

How do I re-use values calculated in a while loop?
Theta1 and Theta2 have not been defined and given a value at the first reference. You should assign an initial value to Theta1 ...

oltre un anno fa | 0

How do i find the RGB values of color image in range 1 to 255
If the image is stored in MATLAB as a three dimensional array, which is the usual, then the red/green/blue channel is the third ...

oltre un anno fa | 0

How to create these shapes in Matlab
Where is the m-file referenced in the problem statement? That would probably help on some of the coding structure questions. Y...

oltre un anno fa | 1

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Measurement of properties from Tiff image
If you are using the Image Processing Toolbox then you are probably trying to use the regionprops function with the "Area" prope...

oltre un anno fa | 0

Not able to use the if condition as desired in simulink
You need to use the "if action" subsystem along with the "if". See the example in the documentation: https://www.mathworks.com...

oltre un anno fa | 0

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How to copy 30K images from folder to another according to the names in train and test text listes
Use copyfile to copy a file to a new location. You could probably use arrayfun to more quickly add the full file path to the fi...

oltre un anno fa | 0

Finding average data from a large data matrix
An index vector over the available columns would work well here. Cannot be sure without a complete example of the data. Then p...

oltre un anno fa | 0

| accettato

Coalesce data from 1000 monte Carlo simulations with different data file lengths?
With the data import tool you can generate a function like this. It needs some editing to handle some of the odd formatting of ...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

Avoid a "loop for" to add multiple "datetime" elements to a cell array
If you can make is an N by 1 cell array and do the assignment using parenthesis indexing and num2cell, then convert that to the ...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

Create Integral, Differential, timer and counter blocks from basic blocks in simulink
You can use a Memory block, subtraction block, and gain block to approximate a differentiator, implementing the equation dx/dt =...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

How to make the flow diagram with if or any hint in Simulink?
A Stateflow chart is usually the best way to model a state diagram in Simulink. Try following the Stateflow Onramp training too...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

How to get the equation of irradiance varying in time for a PV model under partial shading conditions?
Simulink has a 2D lookup table block with various options for interpolation, extrapolation, and fitting. With the two inputs be...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

Hold the value of a signal
You can use the signal builder block to define any type of piecewise continuous signal you want.

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

How to pass an input value to a Simulink block from M-file?
Your M file can put the data into the base workspace as a variable with a known name. Then your Simulink model can use the From...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

| accettato

How to change the color of each pixel in a masked image?
See if this helps. There is probably a faster way to do it with color mapping functions in the Image Processing Toolbox but it ...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

I gave the initial condition correctly still the program not working.
circshift returns a vector of the same length as its input. So, j2, j5, j8, and j19 are vectors and not scalar values as the li...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

How can I merge two structs?
Due to the need to merge it might be easiest to use struct2table, table2timetable, make sure it is merged well as a time table, ...

quasi 2 anni fa | 1

Displacements and velocity from acceleration integration (accelerometer data)
The Simulink Onramp training course is a good place to start: https://www.mathworks.com/learn/tutorials/simulink-onramp.html?...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

GUI window to manually register two images?
You can try the registrationEstimator app included with the Image Processing Toolbox.

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

how to run a simulation at different times
You can use the Signal Builder block to configure how you want a signal to change over time. I assume you are simulating the mo...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

Browsing the subsystem inside model using mscript
You can use open_system to open a Simulink model to some subsystem inside the model. The second parameter to open_system should...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

| accettato

Load array into Simulink model from file without timestamps
If you define your matrix as a Simulink.Parameter in a data dictionary and link to that data dictionary from your model, that wo...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

How can I convert double to const real_T of a sfunction?
If x is a constant you cannot change it. You would need to supply a more complete example, it is hard to tell what you are tryi...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

Simulink code generation for tcpclient
Looks like code generation support for tcpclient was added in R2019B. You may just have a configuration issue in your R2020A te...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

Displacements and velocity from acceleration integration (accelerometer data)
Integration naturally has some error when integrating a sampled signal because the integration algorithm has to make assumptions...

quasi 2 anni fa | 0

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