Harsha Vardhan Rao Avunoori
University of Toledo
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0 Punti principali
z transform of a sequence
Hello Saima, I am assuming that the sequence which you have are the coefficients of a polynomial say y = 1 + 2x+ 3x^2+4x^...
quasi 13 anni fa | 0
Sony cybershot connectivity with matlab GUI
Are you trying to import images directly from Sony Cybershot to MATLAB inorder to process them ?If yes then you might also check...
quasi 13 anni fa | 0
Editing images using MATLAB
@Light...Trust me Mr.Image Analyst is the most experienced professional in this group and he has helped me in fixing my code...U...
quasi 13 anni fa | 0
cross correlating two images
For rotating an image you can use imrotate() and for deleting the rows you can assign it like this x(1:15,:) = [] this statement...
oltre 13 anni fa | 0
Trouble plotting Bounding Boxes on a Black and White Foreground Video.
Hello All, I have implemented Mixture of Gaussians algorithm to separate background and foreground in a video of 100 frames ...
oltre 13 anni fa | 1 risposta | 0
rispostaHow to detect a triangle of any dimensions from an image(project on traffic sign board identification and alerting driver)
I have few questions regarding the above posted question... 1.What kind of image is it ? 2.What kind of threshold(static or ...
oltre 13 anni fa | 0
discrete fourier
Hello Ingrid, Did you try reading all the contents of your file into a cell variable and then perform fft on it ? Somethin...
oltre 13 anni fa | 0
How to show a colorbar of a certain range?
Okay I don't know whether this is the right one or not. But I have tried this. I = imread('cameraman.tif'); imshow(I,...
oltre 13 anni fa | 0
Why does read() time out when used with mmreader() ?
@Sean I finally found an answer for this timed out. <http://www.mathworks.com/support/solutions/en/data/1-9NYJWS/index.html?p...
oltre 13 anni fa | 1
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convert to grayscale
Hello James, You can load a video into MATLAB using VideoReader(). doc VideoReader You can apply rgb2gray() on each fra...
oltre 13 anni fa | 3
| accettato
Need help to do image processing for an image captured by Terasic 5M pixel camera connectd to Altera Cyclone II FPGA.
Hello Vasavi, There is an inbuilt block in Simulink which actually allows the user to convert between various formats.As far ...
oltre 13 anni fa | 0
How to access video from a remote camera?
Quick question though it might sound a little bit silly.Are you authorized to access that camera ???
oltre 13 anni fa | 0
Why does read() time out when used with mmreader() ?
Hello All, I am trying to subtract successive frames in a video (.asf) and then convert the difference image to binary and th...
oltre 13 anni fa | 1 risposta | 0
rispostaCan I run .m files written using a recent version of MATLAB in an older version of MATLAB?
@Sri Priya As Fangjun replied you can use any older .m file in a newer version of MATLAB but make sure that few functions like m...
oltre 13 anni fa | 1
Displaying a difference image as a video
Hello All, I have a video with 18000 frames in it and also a frame rate of 30 fps and I wrote a small code. vidobj = m...
oltre 13 anni fa | 2 risposte | 0
risposteIRIS Recognition
You can get help only when you post the work which you did.So kindly post the code which you did and then ask for help. This ...
oltre 13 anni fa | 0
Orientation of ellipsoid
You can generate an ellipsoid with the ellipsoid function and while plotting you can use the rotate() suggest by Matt.It should ...
oltre 13 anni fa | 0
Requirements for opening a matlabpool
You just need to get the Parallel Computing ToolBox if you want to explore the parallel programming features of MATLAB.
quasi 14 anni fa | 0
Image denoising
You can try using smoothing filters to remove the existing noise from your image.
quasi 14 anni fa | 0
Error using ==> plot
Yeah!!! Your code runs properly on my machine too. Since you have initialized t to take values between 0 and 1 in steps of 0.5 I...
quasi 14 anni fa | 0
Laplacian edge operator
If you are interested in applying a Laplacian mask to determine the edges then you can try this BW = edge( I,'log'); wher...
quasi 14 anni fa | 0
Reading MP4 Video files with Matlab in Win7
Which software did you use to extract frames ???
quasi 14 anni fa | 0
Concatenating images from image files
Are you specifying the proper directory/path when you are executing your code ? Can you please post the exact error so that it w...
quasi 14 anni fa | 0
How to access multiple images in a single code ?
Hello Mathworks, My question might sound a little bit odd but what I meant to say was if I have a group of 25 images in a sin...
quasi 14 anni fa | 1 risposta | 0
rispostaReading MP4 Video files with Matlab in Win7
In the earlier versions of MATLAB with mmreader you can read a video file and this function supports most of the video formats.I...
quasi 14 anni fa | 0
Plotting maximum intensity value
I wrote the following code to plot the maximum intensity value in an Infrared image.It had shaded of white and black so I have t...
quasi 14 anni fa | 1 risposta | 0
rispostaabout correlation
I did not understand your question completely but I assume that you are interested to find correlation coefficient.If yes then y...
quasi 14 anni fa | 0
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Image processing help
Well you have asked a real broad question :) Arturo has mentioned you a good way of comparing two images. You can also try...
quasi 14 anni fa | 0
change ifft code to 'ifft' command
If you are looking to just find ifft then you can try the direct function available in Matlab ifft() ifft(your signal/variabl...
quasi 14 anni fa | 0
Help with a Matlab Code for Wimax 802.16 simulation, OFDM, MCCDMA
Can you please re-format your question and post the exact error messages in two versions ?
quasi 14 anni fa | 0