

Last seen: 1 giorno fa Attivo dal 2022

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English, Korean
Professional Interests:
Statistics and Data Analysis, Business, Economics, and Finance, Statistics


  • First Answer
  • Thankful Level 2
  • Matrix Manipulation III Master
  • Divisible by x Master
  • Cody Problems in Japanese Master
  • Indexing IV Master
  • Indexing V Master
  • Indexing III Master
  • Cody5 Easy Master
  • Computational Geometry I Master
  • Magic Numbers II Master
  • Functions I Master

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Fill a rectangle with 1x1 and 2x2 tiles
A 3x2 rectangle can be filled with 1x1 and 2x2 tiles in three ways: The colors merely distinguish the sizes of the tiles. A 3...

circa 24 ore fa


Operate on matrices of unequal, yet similar, size
You may want to add a vector to a matrix, implying that the vector is added to each column of the matrix. Or multiply a 3x4x5 ma...

3 giorni fa


Permute diagonal and antidiagonal
Permute diagonal and antidiagonal For example [1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9] -> [3 2 1;4 5 6;9 8 7] WITHOUT diag function (and variable n...

3 giorni fa


Reverse the elements of an array
Reverse the order of elements in an array: eg: input X = [ 1 2 3 ; 4 5 6 ; 7 8 9 ] o...

3 giorni fa


Rotate input square matrix 90 degrees CCW without rot90
Rotate input matrix (which will be square) 90 degrees counter-clockwise without using rot90,flipud,fliplr, or flipdim (or eval)....

3 giorni fa


Removing rows from a matrix is easy - but what about inserting rows?
Assume A is a 5-by-5 matrix. A([2,4],:) = [] is a quick way to remove rows 2 and 4. Can you find a quick way to insert rows into...

3 giorni fa


Matrix with different incremental runs
Given a vector of positive integers a = [ 3 2 4 ]; create the matrix where the *i* th column contains the vector *1:a(i)...

3 giorni fa


Flip the main diagonal of a matrix
Given a n x n matrix, M, flip its main diagonal. Example: >> M=magic(5); >> flipDiagonal(M) 9 24 1 ...

3 giorni fa


Set some matrix elements to zero
First get the maximum of each *row*, and afterwards set all the other elements to zero. For example, this matrix: 1 2 3 ...

4 giorni fa


Make an awesome ramp for a tiny motorcycle stuntman
Okay, given a vector, say v=[1 3 6 9 11], turn it into a matrix 'ramp' like so: m=[1 3 6 9 11; 3 6 9 11 0; 6 9 ...

4 giorni fa


Back to basics 23 - Triangular matrix
Covering some basic topics I haven't seen elsewhere on Cody. Given an input matrix, return a matrix with all elements above a...

4 giorni fa


Remove NaN ?
input -> matrix (n*m) with at least one element equal to NaN; output -> matrix(p*m), the same matrix where we deleted the enti...

4 giorni fa


Remove the air bubbles
Given a matrix a, return a matrix b in which all the zeros have "bubbled" to the top. That is, any zeros in a given column shoul...

4 giorni fa


Infinite precision division
Develop a function that will divide a very very large integer numerator, supplied to function as a string (e.g., '12233344445555...

4 giorni fa


Hexagonal numbers on a spiral matrix
Put hexagonal numbers in a ( m x m ) spiral matrix and return the sum of its diagonal elements. Formula of hexagonal numbers ...

5 giorni fa


How to add?
* Imagine you are in 2222 Anno Domini, when everyone must learn how to add, * and competing for the highly prestigious post of,...

5 giorni fa


List the emirps
An emirp is a prime number that becomes a different prime when reversed. The numbers 13, 17, and 149 are emirps, but 11, 19, and...

5 giorni fa


Compute the nth Pythagorean prime
Pythagorean primes have the form p = 4n+1, where n is an integer, and they can be written as the sum of squares of two integers....

5 giorni fa


Decipher the message - same key for all digits
You will be given a input number (eg) x='gdkkn' you have to figure out the dechiper key and match it with given input and deci...

5 giorni fa


Card Game
This is an overly simplified and highly modified version of card game Twenty-Nine. A deck of 100 unique cards (hypothetical) ...

6 giorni fa


Decipher the number 2 - 3 keys

6 giorni fa


decipher the number 1 - same key for all digits :)
You will be given a input number (eg) x=12345 you have to figure out the dechiper key and match it with given input and deciph...

6 giorni fa


NCHOOSEK - Time Optimization
Input V —— Set of all choices, a vector of N, 1 < N < 100 K —— Number of selected choices, a scalar, 0 <= K <= N Output C ——...

7 giorni fa

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