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My name is Piyush Kumar and i am an EDG intern at MathWorks. The opinions I express on this forum are my own, and not representative of MathWorks.
C++, C, Java, MATLAB
Spoken Languages:
English, Hindi
Professional Interests:
Programming, Software Development Tools, Simulink
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How to avoid overlapping of the figures and the tiledlayout global title?
Hello, I understand that you are facing issues in plotting subplots and your titles are getting overlapped. As it is visible, ...
oltre un anno fa | 0
Implementing MP3 audio codec on MATLAB
Hello, I understand that you want to convert WAV to MP3 compression and decompression. For this, you can refer this MATLAB ...
oltre un anno fa | 0
TLC error when generating Simulink model code
Hello, I understand that you are receiving errors related to TLC while you are trying to generate code from you Simulink model...
oltre un anno fa | 0
cne mode in app designer
If you want to add a slider to the image obtained, use the ‘unicontrol’ function. Refer to this link for the syntax and exampl...
oltre un anno fa | 0
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changing from contour to filled on pcolor plot
Refer to the answer given in the following question. pcolor and contour in the same map - MATLAB Answers - MATLAB Central (mat...
oltre un anno fa | 0
Export a 3d surface to .stl
Create STL file from triangulation - MATLAB stlwrite (mathworks.com) Refer to the above link for creating stl file from triang...
oltre un anno fa | 1
How do I analyse the needed amount of dynamic memory for a Simulink Model?
Try the following ways to analyse the dynamic memory requirements- Run the Simulink model and type the command “memory” in MAT...
oltre un anno fa | 0
error loading shared libraries: libicuuc.so.69
Try downloading and installing libicuuc.so.16 on your Linux system- sudo apt update sudo apt install libicu-dev This will ...
oltre un anno fa | 0
STM32F407VGT6U (DISC1) External mode : Could not connect to target application: XCP internal error: timeout expired, in response to XCP CONNECT command
Try out the following – Check if the windows firewall is not blocking the application. Check if any forced update or reboot...
oltre un anno fa | 0
Simulink STM32F4xx Build Linker Error
Here are some possible solutions that may work. Since you are getting linking error- Check that all the source files links hav...
oltre un anno fa | 0
using laptop A with usb devices that are controlled by laptop B with MATLAB
I am sharing some possible solutions that may help- If you can carry the usb devices to your home, then please connect it to y...
oltre un anno fa | 0
live script from file exchange not opening properly (R2023a)
I tried to open the first live-script file that you shared. It opened properly in my system. It’s same as yours ( MATLAB (R2023a...
oltre un anno fa | 0
How to Open 8k videos in matlab
There is a troubleshooting section mentioned here for “VideoReader” function Read Video Files - MATLAB & Simulink (mathworks.c...
quasi 2 anni fa | 0
Implement multiples plots [figures()] into one figure()
You can do it using “subplots” function. Link for the function is given below: Create axes in tiled positions - MATLAB subplot...
quasi 2 anni fa | 0
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There's a way that I can count the percentage of appearance of a number in MATLAB table??
There is a function named “tabulate” that displays the frequency table of the data in the vector x.If we do conversion of table ...
quasi 2 anni fa | 0
MATLAB app won't run when called from Python called from batch file
Try to follow the steps given in the below link - Install MATLAB Engine API for Python - MATLAB & Simulink (mathworks.com)
quasi 2 anni fa | 0
how to add all parentheses in symbolic logic expression
When you have long logic phrase, you may use newlines to improve readability. Place operators at the end of a line, rather than ...
quasi 2 anni fa | 0