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I am an Intern at MathWorks. My responsibility is to provide the best support for an application like Image processing, Signal processing, HDL. DISCLAIMER: Any advice or opinions here are my own, and in no way reflect that of MathWorks.
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Faster indexing from Matfiles with similar names
Hi Chun, You can follow the procedure shown in the below code to call the variable a on each iteration. % m1.mat to m5.mat fo...
oltre un anno fa | 0
How to display 1 decimal numbers in uitable?
Hi Alessandro, You can follow the procedure shown in the below code to generate a table in the figure. % sample data data = [...
oltre un anno fa | 0
split label matrix into cells according to their lables including boundary
You can follow the procedure shown in the below code to split the area in to individual matrix. % sample label matrix label_ma...
oltre un anno fa | 0
How to obtain Shannon's entropy in specific wavelet packet tree node?
As you have obtained the best tree using the “besttree()”, the tree obtained will have some non-zero coefficients, which repres...
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Command Window loses focus if opening history
I understand you are experiencing an issue with the terminal window configuration. To fix this issue, you can try the following:...
oltre un anno fa | 0
Fill an empty table with input from different variables
You can use the “repmat” as shown in the code below. % Define the variables n = 'value of n'; m = 'value of m'; % Replace ...
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how can I connect multiple lines into a line in a graph?
You can use "plot" directly instead of "fplot" as shown in the code below. % Define the functions and their domains syms s ...
oltre un anno fa | 0
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Table function with cells
Hi, You can refer to the below code. %sample data data_table = cell(3,1); data_table{1} = {'A', '[1 25]', 'double', ""}; da...
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How to plot convolution between signal and Hilbert tranform operator
Hi, You can refer to the code below. t = 0:0.01:1; f = 2; omega = 2*pi*f; y = cos(omega*t); h = [Inf, 1./(pi*t(2:end))];...
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Not the correct color on volshow
Hi, You can refer to the below code. V_test=zeros(30,30,30); % first cube V_test(10:20,10:20,10:20)=1; % second cube V...
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How to make two signals of same dimensions?
Hi, Here is an example to read the two audio signals and to subtract both. % read in the two audio signals [x1, fs1] = audio...
oltre un anno fa | 0
Finding linear combination between 3 vectors
Hi, You can refer to the below code to find linear combination between three vectors. a=[1 1 1]'; b=[1 2 3]'; c=[2 -1 1]'; ...
oltre un anno fa | 0
How to apply walsh hadamard transform?
Hi, You can refer to the code below to apply Hadamard transform on the image. % Load the PNG image img = imread('img.jpg'); ...
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real-time FFT in simulink
Hi, Here are the steps to create the model. Open a new Simulink model. From the Simulink Library Browser, open the "DSP Syst...
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How to change the position of the subtext?
Hi, You can try separating the subtext into a second ‘text’ object. You can adjust the x and y coordinates of second text objec...
oltre un anno fa | 0
calculating hamming distance and total hamming distance
Hi, You can refer to the code below to calculate hamming distance and total hamming distance for binary matrices. % input matr...
quasi 2 anni fa | 0
I am having problem in FFT function
Hi, You can refer to the below code to find DFT of x= [1 1 6 1 6 0 2 6] %input sequence x x = [1 1 6 1 6 0 2 6]; % Calcula...
quasi 2 anni fa | 0
reversing the hamming window
Hi, To reverse the effect of the Hamming window on your signal, you need to divide your windowed signal by the Hamming window. ...
quasi 2 anni fa | 0
How to determine the sigma value for 2D gaussian filter
Hi, Determine the FWHM (full width at half-maximum) of the desired smoothing effect. This will depend on the scale of features ...
quasi 2 anni fa | 0
convert this in matlab please
Hi, You can refer to the code below. function [Q] = gaussQuad2(f, xs, ys, n) % Gauss quadrature for double integral over a re...
quasi 2 anni fa | 0
Chebyshev Differentiation Matrix without using function 'cheb'
Hi, You can refer to the code below. % Set up the domain N = 10; % Number of points in the domain x = cos(pi*(0:N-1)/(N-1))'...
quasi 2 anni fa | 0
can any one tell me how to make every 1 subcarrier take 2 user ?
Hi, You can refer to the code below N=128; % number of subcarriers K=4; % number of users SINR = 20; % SINR in dB (aver...
quasi 2 anni fa | 0
base station cell sectorization
Hi, Yes, you should specify the BS antenna panel orientation to define a sector while configuring the physical layer. In a hexa...
quasi 2 anni fa | 0
how to find angle between two signals
Hello, you can refer to the below code to find the angle between two signals using correlation. % Define two signals t = 0:0....
quasi 2 anni fa | 0
Discrete Fourier Transform using MATLAB?
Hello, You can refer to the below code. % Define the input sequence x[n] x = [1 2 3 4]; % Compute the DFT coefficients X[k] ...
quasi 2 anni fa | 0
How to create sinusoidal signal of different frequencies for different time
Hello, You can refer to the below code to create a sinusoidal signal of different frequencies for different time interval. % D...
quasi 2 anni fa | 0
quantize ROI of an image in 3 spaces [0,10),(10,36],(36,255]
Hello, You can use imquantize function, where you must specify the levels as [10,36] so that it quantizes in to three levels (...
quasi 2 anni fa | 0
How do I plot a filtered wav file?
Hello, You can refer to the code below to get an output plot. In the code shown below, coefficients of output y are a=1(y[n]) a...
quasi 2 anni fa | 0
Compute average FFT power for images (to reflect average visual saliency?)
Hello, You can refer to the below code to perform FFT on series of images and to compute an average FFT per image. % Read in ...
quasi 2 anni fa | 0
dividing image into unequal quadrants and indicating position as an index of those.
Hello, You can refer to the code below for dividing the image into unequal quadrants, To get the position and the belonging seg...
quasi 2 anni fa | 0