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Looping string array into parsed timestamp
"... that is causing issues with the indexing." Because you are mixing up indexing into string arrays with the characters conta...

1 giorno fa | 1

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Combining text with non-zero elements of a 2D array
Without an intermediate matrix: N = [10,0,0,0,0;,0,20,0,0,0;,10,0,20,0,0;,0,0,0,10,0;,0,0,0,0,30] C = {'ABC';'DEF';'GHI';'JKL'...

3 giorni fa | 0

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In a table, when I try assigning a value to a new column based on some criteria, I get error that "assignment to elements using simple assignment statement is not supported"
"I don't think I should need a for loop to iterate through each row and replace the value at the "indx" location" You do not ne...

3 giorni fa | 0

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How to replace values in a table with the outputs of another code?
Use curly brace indexing to access the content of the table:

7 giorni fa | 0

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Matlab function only giving me 1 output
"why is my Vmax just giving me 1 value." Because you used mrdivide / (matrix right division) instead of rdivide ./ (array right...

7 giorni fa | 2

Customizing plots that are matrices of column vectors?
X = 1:9; Y = rand(9,2); S = scatter(X,Y); set(S,{'Marker'},{'o';'*'})

10 giorni fa | 1

How to use lazy quantifiers in look ahead?
Regular expressions are the wrong tool for this. It might be possible with some effort, but personally I would just use the corr...

11 giorni fa | 0

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Interactive Regular Expression Tool
Develop and refine regular expressions in an interactive figure that shows all of REGEXP's outputs.

11 giorni fa | 12 download |


Loop through a table using a specific condition and generate new table satisfying the particular condition
ID = ["ID1";"ID1";"ID2";"ID3"]; Value = [5;7;3;1]; T = table(ID,Value) G = groupsummary(T,'ID','sum')

13 giorni fa | 0

locate within the first column of a matrix a sequence of numbers and extract those rows
Use DIFF, which is a key MATLAB function. M = load('M.mat').M X = diff([0;find(diff([M(:,1);0])<0)]); Y = size(M,2); C = mat...

20 giorni fa | 0

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Rearrange elements of matrix based on an index matrix
Yes, it is awkward. x=randn(5,3) z=randn(5,3) [~,I] = sort(x,2) Perhaps S = size(I); [R,~] = ndgrid(1:S(1),1:S(2)); J = s...

23 giorni fa | 0

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Is this a bug of MATLAB?
"I think the correct answer should be longer. Is it a bug or an expected behavior?" It is not a bug: the default number of dig...

25 giorni fa | 1

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converting string to num and table
Tip for the future: upload your raw data, not a data extract that you have already imported and modified. S = load('sample1.mat...

28 giorni fa | 1

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Faster alternate to all() function
N = 10000; varname = rand(246658,4) idxkeep = randi(size(varname,1),1,N); tic for i=1:N idx = idxkeep(i); idy = ...

28 giorni fa | 1

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Finding mean value over certain amount of values in a matrix
Avoid SQUEEZE. More robust: A = [1,2,3;4,6,8;7,12,7;14,4,23] N = 2; C = size(A,2); B = reshape(mean(reshape(A,N,[],C),1),[],...

28 giorni fa | 2

subdivide numbers inside a file .xlsx
Simpler: C = readcell('file.xlsx'); M = str2double(split(C(6:end),', ')) T = array2table(M, 'VariableNames',split(C(5),', '))...

30 giorni fa | 0

Your variables are reaching 2GB limit,revert to save -v7.3 This will be slower but avoids matlab not saving the data.
"How should I resolve this?" Specify the version when calling SAVE: save(.. , '-v7.3')

circa un mese fa | 0

How to open and modify .dat file
unzip fid = fopen('nema.dat','rb'); arr = fread(fid,'int8'); fclose(fid); dim = [364,364,110]; arr = reshape(arr,d...

circa un mese fa | 0

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unique across tables within table
U = unique(vertcat(RawFileIndex.Parameters{:}).ID)

circa un mese fa | 0

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Finding multiple Matrix in a txt file
"For example (in my own dumb coding brain) I would like matlab to "Search a txt file that has a certain name that the user can s...

circa un mese fa | 1

how to make the numbers on the matrix with alternative sign?
n = 5; m = toeplitz([2,1,zeros(1,2*n-2)]) .* -(-1).^gallery('minij',2*n)

circa un mese fa | 0

Adding column in cell array before converting to a matrix.
Here are a couple of approaches. First lets create some fake data: C = {randi(9,3,2),randi(9,2,2),randi(9,4,2)} C{:} Method o...

circa un mese fa | 0

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readtable struggling to interpret spreadsheet as numbers
"readtable struggling to interpret spreadsheet as numbers" Unfortunately due to that broken CSV format we need to import everyt...

circa un mese fa | 0

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How to convert datetime into a number?
txt = '08-Jan-2016 05:40:00' dtn = datetime(txt,'InputFormat','d-MMM-y H:m:s', 'Format','yyyyMMddHHmmss') https://www.mathwork...

circa un mese fa | 0

Creation of binary coded image from a matrix
A = [0,2;1,3;7,14] Method one: BLOCKPROC (requires image toolbox, probably not very fast): F = @(s)reshape(dec2bin(,4)-'...

circa un mese fa | 1

How to convert numbers to text
v = fix((0:14)./5).' w = char(v+'x')

circa un mese fa | 0

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How to search for table column via a string
y = rawTable.(string); % ^ ^

circa 2 mesi fa | 1

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How to use indices of one matrix as entries of another matrix?
Fake data: M1 = reshape(randperm(256)-1,16,16); Y = find(M1==hex2dec('34')); M1([1,Y]) = M1([Y,1]) Convert: C = 1+mod(M1.',...

circa 2 mesi fa | 0

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Save in an array lines after the appearance of a text pattern
txt = fileread('File.txt') rgx = 'Cell\s*\(Angstrom\):(\s+\S+){9}'; tkn = regexp(txt,rgx,'once','tokens'); mat = sscanf(tkn{1...

circa 2 mesi fa | 0

Reading unformat text file with strings and numbers
In lieu of a sample data file provided by the OP I created my own... Lets try importing it using READTABLE and a few options: ...

circa 2 mesi fa | 1

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