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addition in simulink matlab
Hi Waseem, 'Buffer' block can be used to create frames from a series data, please refer to the following documentation for more...
2 mesi fa | 0
how to add impulsive noise to a speech signal in matlab
Hi Rashmirekha, 'imnoise' function can be used to achieve the desired result. Please refer to the following MATLAB Answers pos...
2 mesi fa | 0
How do I add certain numbers from one cell to another?
Hi Austin, To achieve the desired outcome, you need to identify the indices of -10 in CA, then find the adjacent numbers in CC ...
2 mesi fa | 0
Cannot find CTF archive in compiled Matlab app
HI Livia, Your query seems similar to the one asked in this MATLAB Answer's Post:
3 mesi fa | 0
"Error:Cannot find CTF archive" on deployed application
Hi John, In addition to the above mentioned suggestions, a workaround could be to build every time before packaging. Please c...
3 mesi fa | 0
blfread can't Parse BLF channel Data based on CANFD, why?
Hi Steve, I too faced similar issue. Upgrading to version R2020b solved the issue, it should be working for R2020b and beyond.
3 mesi fa | 0
Can python use the matlab engine for batch job processing: matlab.engine.EngineError: Transport stopped
Hi, I had faced a similar issue. It might be a bug, as upgrading the MATLAB to latest version had solved this issue. I hope th...
3 mesi fa | 0
.mat file to bin file
Hi Sumit, To convert .mat file to bin file, dec2bin function can be used. Please refer to the following MATLAB Answers post whi...
3 mesi fa | 0
How can i creat multitabs in GUI?
Hey Mohemmed, uitabgroup can be used to create multiple tabs in GUI. Please refer the documentation and examples for more infor...
3 mesi fa | 0
how to load a net.mdl (neural network model) file with pushbutton??????
Hey Daud, Function callback can be used to load a neural network model from GUI using a pushbutton.
3 mesi fa | 0
How can I simulate a model ın matlab guı?
Hey Bayram, Function callback can be used to simulate a model from GUI. 'sim' function can be used to simulate a model program...
3 mesi fa | 0
I have a .mat file. i want to reconstruct an image from that file. The .mat file contains data of a sinogram.
Hi Preethi, To reconstruct image from the .mat file, first load the mat file in the workspace and then display image using imsh...
3 mesi fa | 0
Error using VideoWriter/writeVideo (line 344) Frame must be 2560 by 1360 - Help
Hi Mark, I used the same code but replaced the 'Trial-12.m4v' random values to reproduce the error on my end. But it is not rep...
3 mesi fa | 0
leave-one-out using fitcdiscr
Hi Lauren, The example given in 'fitcdiscr' shows the usage of this function over the 'fisheriris' dataset. Please refer to t...
3 mesi fa | 0
How to calculate PSNR of binary image
Hi, 'psnr' function can be used to calculate the value given the original and reconstructed image. Please refer to the followi...
3 mesi fa | 0
how to calculate psnr value of rgb image
Hi aaru, 'psnr' function can be used to calculate the value given the original and reconstructed image. Please refer to the fo...
3 mesi fa | 0
how to pass the matrix value outside the loop
Hi Nik, It is my understanding that you want to use the value of variable 'xd' outside of the for loop as well. For now, varia...
3 mesi fa | 0
Error using matlab.wsdl.createWSDLClient
Hi Rich, This issue is likely due to a Java limitation, as Java can only handle up to 256 enumeration members, and your WSDL sc...
3 mesi fa | 0
trainFasterRCNNObjectDetector training progress plot (option 'Plot' = 'training-progress') displays no data
Hi Ross, I found this MATLAB Answers post which describes a similar issue but for ' trainRCNNObjectDetector'. The ‘training-pro...
3 mesi fa | 0
How to save loss, rmse, mae, and mape in every training epoch?
Hi, To monitor the metrics such as loss, rmse and etc, training options can be used. Also built in metric object can be used to...
3 mesi fa | 0
importCaffeNetwork by Matlab 2017a deep learning toolbox
Hi Yunyang, The issue with "importCaffeNetwork" could be due to incompatibility of the protobuf file. If you export "LD_PRELO...
3 mesi fa | 0
How to change it be to multi-objective pso (for FOPID)? Can anyone help me?
Hi, It will be difficult to analyse the given code and modify it for multiple objective for me, however you can refer to the fo...
3 mesi fa | 0
Massive mimo simulation in Simulink
Hi Mohammad, Please refer to the following documentation which discusses in detail about "Massive MIMO" and also has references...
3 mesi fa | 0
How to update code so that future dates are used for forecsting?
Hi Manny, The error of "Too many output arguments" occurs when a function you are trying to call expects fewer output arguments...
3 mesi fa | 0
missing some letters when coding
Hi, The issue seems similar to one discussed in this MATLAB Answers post:
3 mesi fa | 2
| accettato
Recognize speaker using MFCC and Kmean
Hi Nhat, I understand that you want to identify speaker using MFCC Feature and KMean Algorithm. Unfortunately it will not be p...
4 mesi fa | 0
MFCC feature extraction of speech
Hi Zohreh, 'mfcc' function can be used to extract MFCC feature of speech signal. Please refer to the documentation of 'mfcc' t...
4 mesi fa | 0
feature extraction using mfcc
Hi Hassan, Please refer to the documentation of 'mfcc' to understand usage of 'mfcc' function:
4 mesi fa | 0
mfcc extraction of speech signal
Hi, The error is occuring because the size of the array y is 100000 but the script is trying to acess the 10001th element which...
4 mesi fa | 0
DO NOT attribute "Run as administrator" for Matlab compiled executables
Hi Mohammad, I understand that you want to run the MATLAB compiled executable without admin privileges. 1) Install the MCR by ...
4 mesi fa | 0