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22 Risposte
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Syntax for MATLAB Excel add-in
Hi everyone, The question relates to setting up a .xla function to be used with Excel, compiled using the MATLAB Library Comp...
quasi 8 anni fa | 1 risposta | 0
rispostaIMAQ: Getting the ranges of the Device Specific Properties
Actually, I think I figured it out. What you need is |propinfo| (documentation <
oltre 9 anni fa | 1
| accettato
IMAQ: Getting the ranges of the Device Specific Properties
Hi everyone, The question pertains to the Image Acquisition Toolbox. I'm interested in building a programmatic GUI, where I c...
oltre 9 anni fa | 1 risposta | 0
rispostaArrayfun application to avoid a FOR loop
Folks, thank you very much both for your help on the matter. Certainly helped me clear up a lot of questions I had on the implem...
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
Arrayfun application to avoid a FOR loop
Hi everyone, The question pertains to the use of |arrayfun|. I'm interested in using |corrcoef| on a series of arrays. So far...
oltre 9 anni fa | 3 risposte | 0
risposteUsing actxserver to refer cells between worksheets
Quite embarrassing, but I did manage to solve the problem, so considering the matter closed for now. For anyone who's as poor...
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
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Using actxserver to refer cells between worksheets
Hi everyone, The question relates to the use of the use of the |actxserver| for an excel application. How does one use act...
oltre 9 anni fa | 1 risposta | 0
rispostaRead some data from a file containing numbers and characters
Can you use the Import tool ( < MAT...
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
how to remove box outline in GUI matlab using setting menu
Would something like this work? % Set the figure color; f = figure(... 'color',[0 1 0]); % Add text box co...
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
how can I call gui frm another gui for a given position coordinates?
Can you use |setappdata| / |getappdata| to share the data between the different GUIs? (MATLAB wikia <
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
How to save file as 300 dpi png?
Not a direct answer to the question at hand, but can you try export_fig from FEX (check link <
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
How can I implement a reset button in a GUI code?
Anthony, can you have a look at Doug Hull's tutorial on a similar question? You can find it <
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
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GUIDE: Text edit. Structure of handles.edit changed?
The easiest solution might be to create a separate function (say, |formatString| ) that is the callback for the |editbox| and th...
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
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Exporting data while 'live' processing in a GUI
Adam, thanks for the thought, and yes, something I am learning as I am going. For the purposes of this particular application, I...
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
Perhaps it's a bit out of scope for this topic, but since you mentioned about figures being saved, thought I suggest export_fig ...
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
GUI slider stays active after klick and starts sliding
The first thought is that the minor step size is too small, which means that when you click a bunch of times on the slider, the ...
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
how to change static text in MATLAB GUI?
A very basic example: f = figure; t = uicontrol(f,'Style','text',... 'String','Select a data set.',... 'Po...
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
How to extract processed data from a .exe file created using matlab into a more accesible format (e.g.- .txt, .xls, etc.)
There are a couple of different options like |writetable| ( < doc writet...
oltre 9 anni fa | 1
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How can I get X and Y column Matrices from plotted data?
Perhaps check out |bwboundaries| example? (click < here> .) Looks l...
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
Accessing the output individually
This is beyond the scope of the original question, but you could also try |struct2table| (read <
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
Accessing the output individually
Perhaps try |timeValues = [logfile_P.time]| to make a vector and then extract |timeValues(1:25)| ?
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
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GUI - Text to label scatter plot data gets ignored / only works when running function multiple times
Should there be a |hold on| between |ylim| and |text|? Also, one thing I find useful when setting axes is to have a |clear ax...
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
Reshape Video Matrix Into Long RGB Matrix and Back
Can you use something like this? % Concatenate along 'fourth' dimension. alpha = cat(4,newArray(:,:,:)); % Extrac...
oltre 9 anni fa | 0
Exporting data while 'live' processing in a GUI
Hi everyone, The question pertains to the export of data from a GUI that is 'live' processing data from an incoming datastrea...
oltre 9 anni fa | 2 risposte | 0
risposteUsing Dino-Lite Microscopes with MATLAB
Actually, in case it matters to anyone, I think I have it figured out. The key is to download the LED control package from Di...
quasi 10 anni fa | 2
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Using Dino-Lite Microscopes with MATLAB
Hi everyone, The question pertains to the use of a Dino-Lite microscope (Model I'm using: AM7013MZT) via the Image Acquisitio...
quasi 10 anni fa | 1 risposta | 1
rispostaHow to plot a line with angle of 'Orientation' and length of 'MajorAxisLength' through 'Centroid'?
Hi Ivan, Would < this example> from ...
circa 10 anni fa | 2
Tracing boundaries in a binary image
Hi guys, The question relates to the tracing of a boundary in a binary image. What I am interested in doing are the following...
oltre 12 anni fa | 1 risposta | 0
How to truncate/modify a file name
Hi everyone, The question pertains to modifying file names during a batch processing operation. Basically, I would like to tr...
circa 13 anni fa | 3 risposte | 0