Discrete convolution in time/Laplace domain
Simplest and most efficient approach would be to compute samples r_i = r(i*T) where T is the sampling period and then use conv t...

circa un mese fa | 1

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Is the "kinematicTrajectory" function correct for calculating angular velocity?
Hi Erik, The code is comparing two different quantities: Here, T is the matrix that mutliplies the angular velocity vector res...

circa un mese fa | 0

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Extracting Data from an Array of Arrays using a Loop?
Hi Kylen, To make sure I understand correctly .... at the end of the processing you have a variable called 'out' and it is an a...

circa un mese fa | 0

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How to use previous answer in new calculation n times
A=[0.3 -0.2; -0.6 0.8]; B=[-14;2]; x=[1;2]; sys = ss(A,B,eye(2),0,-1); y = lsim(sys,ones(11,1),0:10,x); % y0 = x %y...

circa un mese fa | 2

Frequency response of a system operating at a fixed frequency
Hi Alberto, Conceptually, what you're doing is correct (though there are other alternatives to the input signal). Keep in mind ...

circa 2 mesi fa | 1

Designfilt and bandstopfir adds +320dB for some reason
Hi Andres, I don't have a complete answer, just an observation. Here's the original design with order 301 filterObject1 = des...

circa 2 mesi fa | 0

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hey so i need to repeat the code everytime to see and analyze the time responses for 20 different values of k. How can i do it at once and have the output for all the values?
Or use a model array plant = tf(20,[1 1 5]); k = realp('k',1); sys = feedback(k*plant,1); sysarr = sampleBlock(sys,'k'...

circa 2 mesi fa | 1

Even & Odd Discrete time Signals
Matlab doesn't support zero or negtaive indices, so it won't be possible to implement this operation using ordinary vector index...

circa 2 mesi fa | 0

Digital filter with lowpass, then filtfilt: different output
lowpass calls filtfilt (or executes code equivalent to filtfilt) only if the underlying filter is IIR. If it's FIR, as in the qu...

circa 2 mesi fa | 0

Assertion block does not stop simulation if I run the model with "sim" function
According to this doc page, pausing a simualtion while it's running is not supported when using the sim command. If in your act...

circa 2 mesi fa | 0

HELP! Error using plot Vectors must be the same length. Error in Doc (line 94) plot(t, y);
Hi Matheus, The explanation for the error is that the fftm function is doing a "one-sided" FFT, hence it returns an output with...

circa 2 mesi fa | 0

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Scaling of Filter Coefficients in "fir1" function
For a FIR filter H(z) = b0 + b1*z^-1 + b2*z^-2 .... + b_n*z^(n-1) its frequency response is H(w) = b0 + b1(exp(-1j*w) + b2*e...

circa 2 mesi fa | 0

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The real implementaion of the C2D function "Control Systems Toolbox"
Hi Youssef, There are two files named c2d.m which -all c2d I believe the code listed in the question is of the former. The la...

circa 2 mesi fa | 0

How does one solve equations between symbolic functions for functions
Maybe isolate is the solution ... syms z(t) theta(t) r eqn = z(t)-r*sin (theta(t)) == 0 z(t) = rhs(isolate(eqn,z(t)))

circa 2 mesi fa | 0

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Why Does numel() Accept More than One Argument?
@doc:numel indicates that the function accepts only a single argument. But it can be called with more than one argument and it r...

2 mesi fa | 1 risposta | 1



Force symbolic simplification to eliminate variable
Hi ludolfusexe, Try equationsToMatrix load ddddh_fun symvar(ddddh_fun) syms u % A*u = b [A,b] = equationsToMatrix(ddddh_fu...

2 mesi fa | 0

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Band-pass filter extraction.
Hi Claudio, Start with the original code Inertial_period = 20.215; K1_period = 24; % K1 period (hours) M2_period = 12; In...

2 mesi fa | 1

How to make variables assigned to SimulationInput object accessible to a PostSimFunction when using parsim
Hi Afzal, I think that the simOut from the simulation being called with sim is the argument sent into the PostSimFcn. Does the ...

2 mesi fa | 0

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Data type symfun (code problem)
Hi Patryk, Works o.k. here. What version of Matlab are you using? syms x f(x) = x^(3/5) * (4 - x)^(1/3); df(x) = diff(f(x));...

2 mesi fa | 0

UAV Toolbox - Reference Frame Definition
In reference to the example on the linked page, I assume the waypoints are specified in the waypoint trajectory reference frame....

2 mesi fa | 0

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Fourier Series,Spectral Analysys
Define the function over one period T0 = 1; % period f0 = 1/T0; syms t s(t) = rectangularPulse(.2,0.8,t); figure fplot(s(t...

2 mesi fa | 1

Read excel data in Simulink and convert it into an array
Add the line coder.extrinsic('readmatrix'); at the top of the Matlab Function after the %#codegen directive. Or, read in the ...

2 mesi fa | 0


Why Does dcm2angle Work Like This?
Suppose I have a direction cosine matrix, brought to my attention by a colleague C = round(angle2dcm(-pi/2,-pi/2,0,'ZYX')) Ext...

2 mesi fa | 0 risposte | 0



simulink -sinx integral
Hi 승표, It's not really an offset. The Integrator block parmameter 'Initial Condition' is set to zero, which corresponds to sett...

2 mesi fa | 2

How can I get the energy of a wave?
Hi Li-Wun, This answer may be what's needed. If not, feel free to post back here with follow-up questions, preferably with exam...

2 mesi fa | 0

Obtaining a dataset from bandpass function
Hi Patrik, Is the output argument 'y' from bandpass the filtered time signal that is needed?

2 mesi fa | 0

Building symbolic expression with vars from vector
Hi ludolfusexe, It looks like the original code was attempting to use j as a index into an array, but symbolic variables are ne...

2 mesi fa | 1

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when i want to get magnitude of vector in command window told me that index exceeds matrix dimensions. although i write true code
Code works here v=[1 2 3 9 6] pp=v.^2 Rr=sum(pp) mag=sqrt(Rr) disp(mag) Check norm(v) Perhaps you have variable(s) named...

3 mesi fa | 0

Cross-correlation in frequency domain and xcorr2 in MATLAB
Hi Shy, Assuming that the output of the xcorr2 is the expected result, it can be obtained with the changes below img1 = imread...

3 mesi fa | 0

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how to solve this problem?
Hi Federico, According to the nlssest, the variable names in the input and output time tables have to macth the InputName and O...

3 mesi fa | 1

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