
Walter Roberson

Last seen: Today Attivo dal 2011

Followers: 24   Following: 0


I am currently in the middle of moving, so I am not around very much.

Programming Languages:
C, MATLAB, Shell, Perl, Fortran
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  • Most Accepted 2021
  • Roberson Cup
  • Most Accepted 2019
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  • 36 Month Streak
  • Most Accepted 2016
  • Most Accepted 2015

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Get singular sagittal slice from nifti file saved as axial slices
Example L1 = load_nii('lung_029.nii'); S = size(L1.img); r1 = randi(S(1)); r2 = randi(S(2)); r3 = randi(S(3)); view1 =...

39 minuti fa | 0

Code Generation from script file
You cannot do that. Code cannot be generated for script files. Code generation requires an entry point (a function)

circa 2 ore fa | 0

Can't use daq. Unrecognized function or variable 'daqregister'.
daqregister() was an old interface that is no longer supported.

1 giorno fa | 0

Is parallel processing possible in optimization with App Designer
My question is this: Is there any work-around for this problem? No, there is no workaround. Since app-related variables only ...

1 giorno fa | 0

contour plot problem Z must be at least a 2x2 matrix
x=[80;100;90;90;90]; y=[4;4;2;6;4]; [X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y); % Polly 11 f(x,y)=p00+p10*x+p01*y f1=1.7419-0.0006*X+0.0132*Y; c...

1 giorno fa | 0

Create a listbox with the colormap names. Set the callback for the listbox to execute Colormap_name = app.LISTBOXNAME.Value; c...

3 giorni fa | 0

can we implement matrix multiplication in simulink with known variables? with 'Multiplication' set to 'Matrix' Everything else is setting up ...

3 giorni fa | 0

when i tried to runpf matpower 33 bus program, it shows this problem
You appear to have a corrupted version of matpower . feval_w_path is defined for at least MATPOWER 5, MATPOWER 6, MATPOWER 7, ...

3 giorni fa | 0

trying to call a function from a function file in a script file
func = @afunction; %trying to make the variable func equivalent to "afunciton", % the function I created in the afunction file...

4 giorni fa | 0

Custom feature extractor is not recognized by bagOfFeatures function
Use bagOfFeatures with 'CustomExtractor' option. Pass this bag as the second parameter of indexImages

4 giorni fa | 0

| accettato

Unrecognized function or variable 'graphconncomp'.
Apparently it was in the Bioinformatics toolbox. See

4 giorni fa | 0

d2c PID-Conversion
That error is given when Tf < Ts, and apparently exists in order to avoid getting complex-valued outputs. Your Tf is 0, certain...

4 giorni fa | 0

| accettato

How can I plot the following data? Do I have to convert it first to another form?
stem(filledData(:,1), filledData(:,2)) or perhaps stairs(filledData(:,1), filledData(:,2))

5 giorni fa | 0

| accettato

Can integral2 left a variable inside?
I want to integral x and y first,but there were a variable w stuck in my function.Can I left it and integral x,y first? No, int...

5 giorni fa | 0

how to remove background from thermal image. i want to remove the background from the image. just want forground image
Consider the thermal images of the Parker Solar Probe. The standard operation of the probe is to block out the main disk of the ...

5 giorni fa | 1

How to zoom a figure and show the details?
Create a second axes. copyobj() the content of the first axes to the second axes. Turn zoom on for the second axes. Note: it is...

5 giorni fa | 0

A numerical calculation problem leading to Inf or NaN in matlab
If you need the exact value, calculate using the Symbolic Toolbox. However, it is questionable what meaning to assign to the e...

6 giorni fa | 0

Error with addpoints when trying to animate a trajectory following a marker
h = animatedline('Color', 'b'); p = plot(x(1), y(1), 'o', 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'red', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'red'); You do not have...

6 giorni fa | 2

| accettato

why in example"Architectural 112G PAM4 ADC-Based SerDes Model",symbol time is set to 18.8235e-12,which is 106GHz
The previous generation used a signaling rate of 53.125 GBd . This generation is twice that signaling rate. https://www.ieee802...

6 giorni fa | 0

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order using first column in array cell
sort_order = sort(newList(:,1)); newList = newList(sort_order,:);

6 giorni fa | 0

Can I transfer train "visionTransformer" to handle image sizes other than 384x384X3?
You would need to find the ImageNet 2012 dataset and train an appropriate network on it.

7 giorni fa | 0

Resolution of the gamultiobj's variable
Search over integers -100 to +100 and divide by 100 before use.

7 giorni fa | 0

Hi i created a matfile of hourly temperature 334*334*2928 . how i can convert the .mat file to Tif file ?
I suggest using the Mapping Toolbox, geotiffwrite

8 giorni fa | 0

| accettato

How to make the font sizes of Xlabel, Ylabel, and Title different in a heat map using MATLAB?
h = heatmap(......); warnstate = warning(MATLAB:structOnObject', 'off'); sh = struct(h); warning(warnstate); sh.Axes...

8 giorni fa | 0

| accettato

Functions returning part of N-D data
How do I write the class to make the colon work by itself? You would have to make bar a property instead of a method. Once it i...

8 giorni fa | 0

How do I pass a dynamic number of output variables to a function?
OutputVariable = cell(1,NumberOfOutputsNeeded); [OutputVariable{:}] = FunctionCall(parameters, as, appropriate);

8 giorni fa | 0

Launching MATLAB2024a
You are using a Campus-Wide license, which is a form of Educational license. In that situation, you do not activate against yo...

9 giorni fa | 1

Hi, everyone, why is the laser output power not shown in the figure?
plot(Z, y_history(4, :), 'y>-', 'DisplayName', 'Pp2-'); plot(Z, y_history(5, :), 'r', 'DisplayName', 'Ps+'); plot(Z, y_history...

11 giorni fa | 0

| accettato

Rand in the constructor of a class and createArray
When you have static properties of the class, then the value that is assigned when the class is loaded is used for all subsequen...

11 giorni fa | 0

How to get mexcuda running - compiler settings
and Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 (community edition). That was the problem. All versions of MATLAB that supported VS 2015 neede...

11 giorni fa | 0

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