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How to calculate different velocity zones
I believe the categorical function is what you ware looking for. Check categorical function and check 'Bin Numeric Data into Cat...
oltre 7 anni fa | 0
Implementing a step response within for loop environment?
How about trying to introduce heaviside(x) function in the sig calculation? If certain condition is met, then apply the addition...
oltre 7 anni fa | 0
How to build a matrix like this
The following works, not the 'best' way... n = 5; A = [n:-1:1]'; for i = 2:n A(:,i) = A(:,i-1); A([1:i]...
oltre 7 anni fa | 0
Simple simulation of stock price
In the loop, does this answer to your question? for i = 1:1000 S_1(i+1) = S_1(i)*(1+r*dt+sigma*wp*normrnd(0,1)); ...
oltre 7 anni fa | 0
Please help: In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be the same.
depths = zeros(1,41); %it has 41 elements and P(j) is one element. % maybe you wanted to use depths(j)?
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
How to edit my scatter plot legend?
plot(linspace(1,5,21), Intact..., 'b*',linspace(6,10,21), D1b..., 'go',... linspace(11,15,21), D2b..., 'k^',linspace(16,20,21)...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
How to plot average monthly data from excel using matlab R2013a?
ydata = [jan feb mar apr may jun ... jul aug sep oct nov dec]; %it should work. %other options, make a matrix of 12 columns r...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
| accettato
Hi, please if I have too matrix like this how can I calculate the distance between them and thank you
distance = r-p % does this work?
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
how to set some column or row in matrix to another random matrix?
S_rand(selected_row, :) = A(selected_row, :); S_rand(:, selected_col) = A(:, selected_col);
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
Display Data From a Matrix or Table with Colour Scale
doc contourf %it shows filled contour
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
How to make 2-D plot some points with Latitude, Longitude and Third value in Matlab?
help contour
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
How to remove duplicates from a matrix without using unique?
% use the function ismember for each column, and it would help doc ismember
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
hello, I have this graph shown below, I want to use it in my code for find (Y) value by giving (X) value, there is no equation can fit this curve, can you tell me the way for using this graph in my code please?
vq = interp1(x,v,xq,method) %help interp1
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
How can i make a normal distribution plot of a dataset with 1000 numbers, that also shows the mean and variance?
%1 try the function pdf? see help for more description % hist is also a possible function for the 1000 data.
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
How can I skip right to the end of a script?
help break %does this help?
quasi 9 anni fa | 1
| accettato
Problem with importing data: specifier "dd" does not include the 31st day of the month
data = importdata('brue0001.dat');
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
please i need all iteration in one vector
inc = 120; accy(length(accy)-rem(length(accy),inc)+1:end) = []; accy_2D = reshape(accy, inc, (length(accy)-rem(length(accy),i...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
| accettato
Runge Kutta 4th order, Error: Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch
%y(:,1) is the first column, and %[0.5,0,0,50] is a row vector. consider y(:,1)=[0.5,0,0,50]';
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
| accettato
How do i plot a line at a single desired point on the X-Axis?
%at point x0 = 6, vertical line x0 = 6; plot([x0 x0], [min(y), max(y)], 'r-'); %revise the y values to your desired values
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
it is showing not enough input arguments
%Remove the following lines from the code clc ; clear ; close a l l ;
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
how i can put the (-1) in binary matrix with condition ?
% is the last number in your A* equal to 0 instead? %the following code may work [rows cols] = size(A); A_diff = A(:,1:end-...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
multiple loopings in a program
a = input('Input the value of a: '); Range1 = [1 7]; str = strcat('Input the value of a again as a needs to be in the range f...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
| accettato
How can I upgrade the multi variable integration?
%see example of matlab, use double or triple trapz, F = X.^2 + Y.^2; I = trapz(y,trapz(x,F,2))
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
| accettato
How can I return indices for specific strings found within cells of a cell array?
doc regexp
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
How to increase the speed of this code?
% 1. use vectors instead of the for loop to calculate distance, example dist = sqrt(x.-xCenter).^2.+(y.-yCenter).^2.+(z.-zCent...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
How to vectorize the following for...loop?
% maybe make some changes to the following code could help, [rows cols] = size(ans); v1 = v(1:rows-1, 1:cols-1); v2 = v(...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
Importing data from excel
%maybe the function 'size' is what you required. [rows cols] = size(A); for i = 1:rows for j = 1: cols ... end end
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
plot 2 ( Stems / Histograms ) in the same axis
%1 use the 'hist' function to get the vertical axis for two arrays. %2 use the function 'bar' to plot
quasi 9 anni fa | 0