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Persistent output problems with a for loop block!
That's crazy!! The problem is caused by numerical precision. When Matlab calculates 0.3/0.1, this is not exactly 3. I'm sure ...
oltre 7 anni fa | 0
I want to use a folder of images in matlab ..I tried but it comes to error..pls help me to point out error
% Get a list of all files in the folder with the desired file name pattern. filePattern = fullfile('*.eps'); imagefile =...
oltre 7 anni fa | 2
| accettato
Figures with large amounts of data don't export properly to .eps
In case anyone is ever interested here is how I solved it (a workaround really): * Create the figure * Delete the imagesc fr...
oltre 7 anni fa | 2
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how do I plot reference arrow in quiver plot?
I would just add an extra arrow of given length to the vector field: % random array of vectors x=[1:6]; y=[1:5]; u = ...
oltre 7 anni fa | 3
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How can the set Figure properties for the whole script?
<> You can set almost all Figure values as de...
oltre 7 anni fa | 0
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Getting max and min values in a day for data for 8 months
* First step is to load the .csv file in matlab. I had some trouble with this. Only loading as a table seems to work. * Second ...
oltre 7 anni fa | 0
What does 'in steps of something' mean in the range od value?
Yes, x from -2 to 2 in steps of 0.1 is indeed x = -2:0.1:2; Note that if you want to plot the function, you might want...
oltre 7 anni fa | 0
how to get the graph for trajectory of a ball thrown at an angle?
* Option 1: Look up the equations that describe the trajectory, program them in matlab and plot. * Option 2: Work out the equat...
oltre 7 anni fa | 2
Solve differential equation using Runge-Kutta
I'm not sure I understand what your function (Fun) SHOULD be, but this is what you are telling it to be: Fun = @(N) (I/(q*V...
oltre 7 anni fa | 0
Add contours to scatter3 plot
Contours can be drawn on a 2D slice in a 3D figure using |contourslice|. I'm not sure what the contours are that you want to ...
oltre 7 anni fa | 1
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For Loop or function for repeating action
You can use the condition A(:,1) == i as indexing for which values in A(:,2) to consider, i.e. A = [1 2 3 1 1 2 3; 4 5 6 7 ...
oltre 7 anni fa | 1
How can I find the cumulative sum of a vector without using the cumsum funtion or any loops
I know this is your homework, but I thought it was a fun problem. You can do this with matrix manipulations: A = [4 -2 6...
oltre 7 anni fa | 1
Keeping axes still, while transforming objects
I can't reproduce this as your script won't run on its own, but I think the problem is that axis equal Overwrites the li...
oltre 7 anni fa | 0
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Contour plot_fluid mechanics
The problem is that you are creating two matrices (U and L) where U has constant columns, while L has constant rows. You loop o...
oltre 7 anni fa | 1
How to change the contents of an exported .mat file to an Excel file
According to the documentation, you can write to excel using xlswrite(filename,A,sheet,xlRange) So that should give you ...
oltre 7 anni fa | 0
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How to set XTickLabel with equal width between the ticks?for 1,2, 127, and 128
Your graph is reproduced (with random y-values) by x = [1 2 8:8:120 127 128]; y = rand(size(x)); figure, plot(x,y) set(g...
oltre 7 anni fa | 1
| accettato
Figures with large amounts of data don't export properly to .eps
I am plotting velocity fields using imagesc. These fields have a large amount of data (in this example 200*50 points which is al...
oltre 7 anni fa | 3 risposte | 4