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39 Risposte
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39 Risposte
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MATLAB Compiler - Excel Add-in - 'Error Code = 255 Unable to build executable'
Hi Charles, I notice that you have chosen LCC-win32 for Excel Add-in in MATLAB R2012b (32-bit). Although this compiler is sup...
oltre 8 anni fa | 0
What is the name that MATLAB uses to describe the text box above the command Window that contains the path to the Current Folder
I believe the command you are looking for is "pwd" which displays the current folder. You can save the path as a character array...
oltre 8 anni fa | 0
where is the non-inlined S-functions check box for the ert target in Matlab 2016a?
Hi David, In MATLAB R2016a, there was a change in the way the options in Configuration Parameters were displayed. You have tw...
oltre 8 anni fa | 0
DetectCheckerboardPoints problem - finds wrong corner positions
Hi Brian, I went over the code that you posted in your question. I notice that you are first saving the current figure as an...
oltre 8 anni fa | 1
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How code lines that move apart?
Hi Conrad, Is this what you are looking for? x=[-2:0.1:2]; y=[-10 10]; x=repmat(x,[2 1]); plot(x,y) This cod...
oltre 8 anni fa | 0
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Search in tables.
Hi Manuel, Based on your data and requirement, I came up with a code snippet that might be applicable. Try it out and let me ...
oltre 8 anni fa | 0
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[simulink] ouput set
Hi Hojae, I believe the block that you are looking for is "Clock" or "Digital Clock" where the output of the block is the cur...
oltre 8 anni fa | 0
Bug when using data cursor with subplots having (some) equal X and Y values
Hi Paul, Thank you for reporting this issue to us. I was able to reproduce this behavior at my end. I will forward this infor...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
Why does my enabled subsystem access parameters although it is disabled?
Hi Heiko, I am not sure if such an option is available in Simulink. Although that subsystem would not be executed (because it...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
How to convert fft plot into PSD(Normalized) vs Freqeuncy (Hz)
Hi, I understand that you are trying to compute the power spectral density of a signal from the output of the FFT function. T...
quasi 9 anni fa | 1
Truncated "to workspace" data from Simulink model during external mode: only the latest data are correctly saved.
Hi Alberto, Could you clarify if you are trying to run the model in Arduino? What is the sample time used? Typically, the gap...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
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Simulink: To Workspace block, collects only one or two data points (Running in External mode)
Hi, I notice that in your model, the sample rate used is 6ms. Typically, the gap in output data is observed when the sample r...
quasi 9 anni fa | 1
How to match multiple images to one reference image using cross correlation?
Hi, My understanding is that you would like to find matching features between two images and then apply some geometric transf...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
How do I list and edit all global (tunable) Parameters from the command line?
Hi Friedrich, There is a command line approach to list all the global Tunable parameters present in the Simulink model and to...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
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FM modulation - all negative values somehow become positive
Hi, I notice that the value of frequency deviation that you have specified is very high. This could result in over modulation...
quasi 9 anni fa | 1
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Tracking Pedestrians from a Moving Car
Hi Monalisa, If you read through the code in this example, you will notice that it uses an in-built function to detect people...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
StackOverflow exception when using Matlab Coder ?
Hi Baptiste, As per my understanding, arrays are always passed by reference in C programming (by default). For example, consi...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
How to calibrate a 3D camera?
Hi, There are functions and applications available with Computer Vision System Toolbox that might help you with your query. T...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
Rename or reorganize simulink library blocks
Hi Song, I understand that you are looking for an automated way of renaming certain blocks in all the Simulink models that ar...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
When I run my simulink program (cruise control), I always get an error and Matlab ends itself. Even after reinstallation. I have no idea why this happens.
Hi Nick, This issue reported by you seems to be related to MATLAB crash. It would be a better idea for you to contact MathWor...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
How can a phrase the constraint for Genetic Algorithms to generate data without duplicates?
Hi, As far as I understand, there is no direct option to remove duplication of data points in Genetic Algorithm. However, as ...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
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can you use bicg with initial guess but without preconditioner. If so, how do you call it?
Hi Michael, I believe you can specify the initial guess without specifying the preconditioner. In place of the preconditioner...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
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How to make a plot content draggable (make a dynamic display)?
Hi Csaba, I guess the option you are looking for is "Pan". In the figure window, you will notice a "Pan" option in the toolba...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
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Output data to new text file for every time step
Hi Krish, I believe you are looking for a method to append the data from the next time stamp to the file rather than rewritin...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
What could be the problem, and possibly solution, with the 'Deploy Hardware' option in the NXT Lego Mainstorm Simulink Toolbox in OS El Capitan ?
Hi Emilio, I believe you downloaded the support package for Lego Mindstorms NTX from the following link: <http://www.mathw...
quasi 9 anni fa | 0
Why imwrite compressed same size mat with different entropy to the same size (16bits)
I was unable to reproduce the behavior you described. I used the following code snippet to generate two images and save it in "j...
circa 9 anni fa | 0
in simulink annotation \dot ist not working any idea?
Simulink annotation supports only "TeX" interpreter. The \dot functionality does not come under the scope of TeX interpreter. Re...
circa 9 anni fa | 0
How to understand spectrogram function
The primary difference between the two is in the way the input signal is specified. In the first statement, the signal 'x' is ex...
circa 9 anni fa | 15
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Warning: Overriding parameters of 'signalbuilder-block...' inside a user defined library block
It is generally not a recommended practice to place a Signal Builder block inside a custom library. This is due to the presence ...
circa 9 anni fa | 0
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How to control legacy_code generated file placement?
The functionality to directly control the build path for Legacy Code Tool is currently unavailable with MATLAB. As a workaround,...
circa 9 anni fa | 0
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