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27 Risposte
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27 Risposte
of 159.017
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What does this mean? -- Simulation of default block diagram is not allowed
Hi Ying, Maybe you can first try connecting to the model and then do the simulation. The code then would look like this: ...
quasi 8 anni fa | 0
How to define priority in Simulink
Hi Paolo, Take a look at this links: <> Also this MATLAB e...
quasi 8 anni fa | 0
Feedback loop using MATLAB function block in Simulink gives wrong answers
Hi Amol, The issue that you are facing might be due to the formation of algebraic loops, i.e a direct feed through, more abou...
quasi 8 anni fa | 0
How to run multivariate regression on GPU?
Hi MJ, You can use the 'gather' function to get back the data in the gpuarray to the workplace. More about the same can be re...
quasi 8 anni fa | 0
How to zero pad the cut image when it reached a boundary on actual image
Hi Gopichandh, In order to cut out the portion of the image that has the segmented section, the best way would be to use a bo...
quasi 8 anni fa | 0
| accettato
Is it possible to convert a power specral density plot to a time-domain plot?
Hi Anthony. You might want to check out this MATLAB file exchange submission : < ntral/file...
quasi 8 anni fa | 0
Implementation of the watershed algorithm
Hi Akanksha, MATLAB File Exchange is indeed a good place to look for MATLAB implementation of specific algorithms or routines...
quasi 8 anni fa | 0
How to fit a polar histogram?
Hi, This MATLAB answer link might give you some clues on how to do the same: <
quasi 8 anni fa | 0
Step Response Specifications?
Hi Dennis, What you are looking for is the 'stepinfo' function that takes in input both as the system for which you looking t...
quasi 8 anni fa | 0
Patch color and transparency problem
Hi Churlzu, A lot changed from R2014a to R2014b (and on onward), primarily in terms of the graphics. A list of the major chan...
quasi 8 anni fa | 0
GUI Print Preview Figure Scaling
Hi Anthony, Take a look at this MATLAB answer: <
quasi 8 anni fa | 0
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How to get filename of input image in "Image Batch Processor" App?
Hi James, As of now, you can't get the name of the image directly from the App, to name the figure window. That said, the sam...
quasi 8 anni fa | 1
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Plotting a contour plot on top of an image?
Hi, As of R2014b there is no direct way of doing the same. In case you are using any version prior do refer to this post: <ht...
quasi 8 anni fa | 0
Different graph on matlab and ms excel with same data
Hi, From the images that you shared, it would seem that there are multiple vectors that are expected to be on the plot. Both ...
quasi 8 anni fa | 0
combine doubles and categorical
Hi, The data structure that fits your use case is the MATLAB tables, more about the same can be read here: <https://in.mathwo...
quasi 8 anni fa | 1
| accettato
Descriptive statistics on scatter plot
Hi, If your question is along the lines of adding the mean and standard deviation as annotation over the scatter plot, try t...
quasi 8 anni fa | 0
How to match output size in cnn
This error is due to the ' _fullyConnectedLayer_'. If you see the following documentation it is clear that the output of this la...
quasi 8 anni fa | 1
Use MATLAB Structure into Simulink Model which at the end needs to be autocoded
Hi Ash, Yes, Structures inside Simulink environment would require bus object. More about same can be found in these documenta...
circa 8 anni fa | 0
Transform Linear Filter to System Identification "sys" object
System Identification Toolbox do not have a "sys" object per say but they do have "iddata" object that might do the trick for yo...
circa 8 anni fa | 0
Changing the Parameters names in regression output?
Hi Anders, If you are using the ' _fitlm_ ' function, it uses a parameter by the name ' _modelspec_ ', which can be used to g...
circa 8 anni fa | 0
Numbering bubbles and extract centers
Hi Mandar, Here is a MATLAB example that describes how to find circles in a given image: <
circa 8 anni fa | 0
Feature extraction from a signal and classification
Hi Harry, This MATLAB example would be a good starting point: <
circa 8 anni fa | 1
volumetri estimation on 3D binary matrix
Hi Emanuele, Take a look at these functions from the Image Processing Toolbox: <
circa 8 anni fa | 0
Why can't I open the installer?
Hi Maria, This answer from MathWorks Support Team deals with the error that you are getting: <
circa 8 anni fa | 0
custom diode in simulink?
Hi Abdulkadir, This documentation link is a good place to start for Diode modeling in Simulink: <
circa 8 anni fa | 1
neural network, using simulink, then nn toolbox
Hi Olalekan, This MATLAB example is a good place to start for anomaly detection : <
circa 8 anni fa | 0
How to combine multiple objective functions for lsqnonlin?
Hi David, One way to go about the question is to define all the objective functions in a MATLAB function that accepts the p...
oltre 8 anni fa | 3