Faiz Gouri - MATLAB Central

Faiz Gouri


Attivo dal 2017

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Application Support Engineer


MATLAB AnswersFrom 02/17 to 03/25Use left and right arrows to move selectionFrom 02/17Use left and right arrows to move left selectionTo 03/25Use left and right arrows to move right selectionUse TAB to select grip buttons or left and right arrows to change selection100%

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45 Risposte



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Can you add URL variables to a MATLAB Web App constructed with App Designer?
The feature to fetch variables from URL is not available in Web Apps until R2018b. The developers have been notified about it a...

oltre 6 anni fa | 1

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How to delete a row from excel
I believe your query was asked in <https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/415284-deletion-of-selected-rows-of-excel-fro...

oltre 6 anni fa | 0

Can I creat a standalone application that contains a 'Matlab Mex' data ?
mex files can be used in standalone applications and dependency analyzer will automatically pick up required dependencies(includ...

quasi 7 anni fa | 0

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"MATLAB Mobile" Errors
1) uigetfile is not supported in MATLAB mobile. You can use any <https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/data-import-and-export.h...

quasi 7 anni fa | 1

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How to create sliders in GUI to adjust Red Green Blue channels of a selected image displayed in axes?
This <https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/351349-how-to-create-sliders-in-a-gui-to-control-the-r-g-b-values-of-an-im...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

Shortcuts Gone After Restart
On windows OS, shortcuts are saved in "shortcut.xml" file which can be found in >>prefdir

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

System does not recognize new version of compiled matlab dll.
This seems more of a OS specific issue. Did you check the if the dll is updating under 'application' folder? Also, try deletin...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

Matlab Compiler is not linked to Matlab
Check if you have MCRInstaller at this location- 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2017a\toolbox\compiler\deploy\win64\MCRInstaller.ex...

oltre 7 anni fa | 1

Convert ima audio file in matlab
Following are the supported audio file formats by MATLAB- WAVE (.wav) OGG (.ogg) FLAC (.flac) AU (.au) AIFF (.aiff, .aif) ...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

what are NARX Function inputs "X" and "Xi"? Whats is an example of both?
The following documents will be helpful for you- <https://www.mathworks.com/help/nnet/ug/design-time-series-narx-feedback-neu...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

How do you reconstruct a test image from eigenfaces generated from Matlab pca function
See <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principal_component_analysis#Computing_PCA_using_the_covariance_method this> Wikipedia page f...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

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Change indices without changing value for a spatially dependent variable
I understand that you would like to change indices in matrix without changing values. One possible way to do that would be to c...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

I understand that you would like to make curves more smooth. In order to do so, use <https://www.mathworks.com/help/curvefit/sm...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

batch train auto encoders with new data in every batch
<https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/300167-re-train-a-pre-trained-autoencoder?s_tid=answers_rc1-1_p1_MLT This answe...

oltre 7 anni fa | 1

Weighted PCA throws error: Input to SVD must not contain NaN or Inf.
Your input matrix probably contains infinity or not a number(NaN). Set a breakpoint in your file then run it again. When MATL...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

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Why exporting a figure in pdf changes dimensions of subplots?
Did you try using the File Exchange contribution <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/23629-export-fig export_fi...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

Import data to splinetool create spline with function
I understand that you have created a spline using 'cftool' and would like to use the same in 'splinetool'. You can do so by tak...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

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How to avoid truncating my GUI window
Since the size of a pixel can vary on different computer displays, using the default figure Units of pixels does not produce a U...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

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3D Matrix Rotation
This answer will be useful for you- <https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/123763-how-to-rotate-entire-3d-data-with-x...

oltre 7 anni fa | 1

adding axis to polar plot
If you are using R2016a or later, use the polarplot function. It gives you the option of specifying the 'RTickLabel' and 'ThetaT...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

Extracting multiple Sub-matrices of different sizes from Large Matrices
You can use 'ismember' function to compare first two columns of 'C' and 'seti' and then extract rows from C where they are same....

oltre 7 anni fa | 1

Since i have a student licence, do i have to pay the "Matlab for data processing and visualization" course ?
You are eligible for discounted academic pricing USD 100 (original USD 400) when you use MATLAB and Simulink for teaching, acade...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

How can I force a custom framerate over 20 frames per second from "drawnow limitrate"
The ability to modify the default rate of the DRAWNOW LIMITRATE command is not available in MATLAB and there is currently no wor...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

How to plot data points above and below the surface in a ternary plot in 3D?
'ternplot' is ternary version of 'plot' command. You can plot 3d points using 'plot3' after creating the ternary axis with a '...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

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xlswrite error - worksheet could not be activated
I faced the similar issue with MATLAB R2017a, restarting MATLAB and closing all xls files fixed the problem for me

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

How to set prefdir for parpool workers?
This error occurs when multiple MATLAB workers attempt to access the matlabprefs.mat file simultaneously. Here is a sample code ...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

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Difference between "files required for your application to run" and "files installed for your end user" in Compiler
In the "Files required for your application to run" section of the compiler, verify that all of the files required to run the MA...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

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AppDesigner .mlapp save r2016a compatible version from r2017a
It is not recommended to open App Designer app created with MATLAB R2017a in previous releases as it may have new features intro...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

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How to reproduce Application Compiler with mcc?
mcc compiles matlab files into executable and Application Compiler app does the same thing along with packaging the files. Appli...

oltre 7 anni fa | 0

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