Opening different folder in matlab using loop
The %g instead of %d format does what you want: vel = [1 1.5 2]; D1 = "D:\RESULTS\PRISTINE FRESH\OUTPUT_"; for check = 1:3 ...

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Is it possible to prevent matlab from saving an m-file on "run"?
Of course changes can be taken back by Ctrl-Z easily, such that accidental input are no serious problem. Even the attack of the...

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Conversion of float to int16
The signals are not related by a linear transformation: The signals look similar, but the int16 version has a downwards trend...

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Convert them to grayscale. Write a function, convolve, which takes a filter, F, and an image, I, as input and calculates the 2D convolutions of I with F via the use of ‘for’
outImg(i,j) = result; end end end % <== This END closes the function % Load the input image img = imread('Old ...

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when i run this code it give me error Not enough input arguments. Error in GWO (line 23) Alpha_pos=zeros(1,dim);
The function requires.these input arguments: SearchAgents_no,Max_iter,lb,ub,dim,fobj. How do you define them? If you start the ...

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What are some recommended strategies for replicating image processing techniques used in FIJI for a 3d tiff stack, such as non-local means filter, in MATLAB?
See e.g.: https://www.mathworks.com/help/images/ref/imnlmfilt.html https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/13176...

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For loop vectorisation having structure arrays
What is the prupose of a vectorization here? Remember that vectorized code creates temporary arrays usually and this is expensiv...

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Cannot locate any files
Yes, Matlab Online does not access local files. See e.g. https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/1573628-matlab-online-s...

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What part of this for loop does not want to work with anything else than positive integers?
rE is a vector: rE = zeros(1,n); You cann address its elements with positive integers as indices: rE(1), rE(2), ... t contain...

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Error using evalin Undefined function or variable 'var'.
The variable var is created in the workspace of the callback function. It is not visible in other workspaces, e.g. in the comman...

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Why could matlab not find the appcontainer folder?
Unrecognized function or variable 'rmfield'. It seems like the complete Matlab path is destroyed. Please explain, what has happ...

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Not Enough Input Arguments: Newtons Method/Jacobian Matrix
You define gradfun with 3 inputs: gradfun = @(x,y,z) ... In the code you call it with 1 input: gradfxk = gradfun(xnew); The ...

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How to automatically update the value in a string in an edit box with a value in another edit box but still allow the user to overwrite this value?
Without GUIDE but a working demonstration: handles.FigH = figure; handles.Edit1 = uicontrol('Style', 'Edit', ... 'Units',...

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Permission error for PREFDIR when running a stand-alone application on a different system
If the preferences folder is hardcoded, such problems occur. Search in the code for the name of the folder an replace it by the ...

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Ways for faster torque interpolation
interp1 is slower than griddedInterpolant. You can created the interpolant outside the integration to save more time. A sever p...

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How to load a mat. file containing one big matrix
If the variable in the MAT file has more than 2GB, it must have the v7.3 format. You try to extract a 994x961x3346 subarray, wh...

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Combining masks in 4D matrix
With FEX: RunLength : s = size(mask); mask = reshape(mask, [], s(4)); for k = 1:size(mask, 1) % [EDI...

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Does dsolve benefit from multiple cores?
Open the TaskManager and look at the CPU usage. Does dsolve use one or all cores? This is a strong hint to decide, if it is mult...

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Plot line doesn't follow function
You determine the corret values, but draw them in random order. Sorting cleans the diagonalish lines: x_total = zeros(1, 1000...

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How do I create a random number generator using congruent method
A very cheap linear congruential RNG with parameters suggested by Knuth: function a = rng_cheap % On-line Numerical Recipes in...

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Problems running the code in Mac
This will not run on a PC also. If M_.param_names is a 54x8 char, you cannot use braces for indexing, because they work for cell...

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Error in saving data
As the message tells you: Use a MAT file version 7.3 . You can find instructions by doc save. save('File.mat', 'YourVariable', ...

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How to index variables in two combined function for overwriting data
With some bold guessing: X0 = 1.5; Y0 = 1.5; Z0 = 3.0; Theta0 = 30; Phi0 = 90; K = 4; X = [X0 zeros(1,K)]; Y = [Y0 zeros...

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repeat the code with different value each time
w = rand(6, 222); index = 1:6:size(w, 2); result = zeros(1, numel(index)); for k = 1:numel(index) aw = w(:, index(k):ind...

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my error in the write n!+1 = 0 mod n
nq=factorial(n(i)))+1; % ^ Here are more closing then opening parentheses. Whenever you mention an error in t...

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The code works but it gives this warning. How to remove this warning?
You call the function L2_Array in ByAskic.m with the arguments 6 and 10. Inside L2_Array you calculate N_on_each_axis = (N-1)/...

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How can I separate data into multiple groups?
data = [2416.015, 127.402, 382.165, 127.425, 127.3387, 127.406, 637.001, 127.405, 2240.913, ... 2257.54, 241.801, 3064....

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What can we do with the thread "license-manager-error-9"?
From a discussion in the comments on the concerned page: Jestzer on 28 Feb 2023 at 23:32 This is already in the answer. Why di...

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Not enough input argument for GUI
"Not enough input arguments" mean, that you call a function with less input arguments that needed. This line; [tsol,xsol] = od...

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Using ODE45 with a matrix as input to my function
You can abbreviate: function dxdt = UseGamma(t,x,Gamma) Gamma y = Gamma*x; dxdt = zeros(size(x)); dxdt(1) = y(1); dxdt(2) ...

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