cancel(pipeline) stops all blocks in the
pipeline that are currently running in a parallel environment. The function also prevents
new blocks from being queued. The function has no effect on the blocks that have been
completed prior to calling the function.
Starting parallel pool (parpool) using the 'Processes' profile ...
Connected to parallel pool with 4 workers.
Let the pipeline run for a few seconds in parallel. Then cancel the pipeline while it is still running.
Check the process table that contains the run status of each block. Set Expanded to true to expand the process table variable values which are in cell arrays.
You can extract more information from the process table. For example, check the run status of the first block.
PB1Info = t(1,:);
ans =
RunStatus enumeration
Check any error message associated with the block.
ans =
MException with properties:
identifier: 'parallel:fevalqueue:ExecutionCancelled'
message: 'Execution of the future was cancelled.'
cause: {}
stack: [0×1 struct]
Correction: []
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