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Pipeline object to build and run end-to-end bioinformatics analyses and workflows

Since R2023a


The bioinfo.pipeline.Pipeline object lets you construct and execute bioinformatics pipelines and workflows to analyze genomic data.


Create the object using bioinfo.pipeline.Pipeline.


expand all

Blocks in the pipeline, specified as a vector of block objects.

Names of the blocks in the pipeline, specified as a string vector.

Object Functions

addBlockAdd blocks to pipeline
blockNameReturn the names of specified blocks in pipeline
cancelCancel blocks in pipeline that are running in parallel
compileVerify pipeline structure and check for warnings and errors
connectConnect two blocks in pipeline
copyCopy array of handle objects
deleteResultsDelete block results from pipeline
disconnectRemove connection between ports in a pipeline
fetchResultsWait for parallel-running block to finish and return its results
findBlockGet block objects from bioinformatics pipeline
inputNamesGet names of unconnected block inputs from pipeline
portMapShow connected ports between two blocks
processTableReturn information about all processes in pipeline
removeBlockRemove blocks from pipeline
renameBlockRename block in pipeline
resultsGet bioinformatics pipeline results
runRun pipeline
waitWait for running blocks to complete


collapse all

Import the Pipeline and block objects needed for the example.

import bioinfo.pipeline.Pipeline
import bioinfo.pipeline.block.*

Create a pipeline.

qcpipeline = Pipeline;

Select an input FASTQ file using a FileChooser block.

fastqfile = FileChooser(which("SRR005164_1_50.fastq"));

Create a SeqFilter block.

sequencefilter = SeqFilter;

Define the filtering threshold value. Specifically, filter out sequences with a total of more than 10 low-quality bases, where a base is considered a low-quality base if its quality score is less than 20.

sequencefilter.Options.Threshold = [10 20];

Add the blocks to the pipeline.


Connect the output of the first block to the input of the second block. To do so, you need to first check the input and output port names of the corresponding blocks.

View the Outputs (port of the first block) and Inputs (port of the second block).

ans = struct with fields:
    Files: [1×1 bioinfo.pipeline.Output]

ans = struct with fields:
    FASTQFiles: [1×1 bioinfo.pipeline.Input]

Connect the Files output port of the fastqfile block to the FASTQFiles port of sequencefilter block.


Next, create a UserFunction block that calls the seqqcplot function to plot the quality data of the filtered sequence data. In this case, inputFile is the required argument for the seqqcplot function. The required argument name can be anything as long as it is a valid variable name.

qcplot = UserFunction("seqqcplot",RequiredArguments="inputFile",OutputArguments="figureHandle");

Alternatively, you can also use dot notation to set up your UserFunction block.

qcplot = UserFunction;
qcplot.RequiredArguments = "inputFile";
qcplot.Function = "seqqcplot";
qcplot.OutputArguments = "figureHandle";

Add the block.


Check the port names of sequencefilter block and qcplot block.

ans = struct with fields:
    FilteredFASTQFiles: [1×1 bioinfo.pipeline.Output]
         NumFilteredIn: [1×1 bioinfo.pipeline.Output]
        NumFilteredOut: [1×1 bioinfo.pipeline.Output]

ans = struct with fields:
    inputFile: [1×1 bioinfo.pipeline.Input]

Connect the FilteredFASTQFiles port of the sequencefilter block to the inputFile port of the qcplot block.


Run the pipeline to plot the sequence quality data.



Version History

Introduced in R2023a

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