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Absorption of float operand

One addition or subtraction operand is absorbed by the other operand


This defect occurs when one operand of an addition or subtraction operation is always negligibly small compared to the other operand. Therefore, the result of the operation is always equal to the value of the larger operand, making the operation redundant.


Redundant operations waste execution cycles of your processor.

The absorption of a float operand can indicate design issues elsewhere in the code. It is possible that the developer expected a different range for one of the operands and did not expect the redundancy of the operation. However, the operand range is different from what the developer expects because of issues elsewhere in the code.


See if the operand ranges are what you expect. To see the ranges, place your cursor on the operation.

  • If the ranges are what you expect, justify why you have the redundant operation in place. For instance, the code is only partially written and you anticipate other values for one or both of the operands from future unwritten code.

    If you cannot justify the redundant operation, remove it.

  • If the ranges are not what you expect, in your code, trace back to see where the ranges come from. To begin your traceback, search for instances of the operand in your code. Browse through previous instances of the operand and determine where the unexpected range originates.

To determine when one operand is negligible compared to the other operand, the defect uses rules based on IEEE® 754 standards. To fix the defect, instead of using the actual rules, you can use this heuristic: the ratio of the larger to the smaller operand must be less than 2p-1 at least for some values. Here, p is equal to 24 for 32-bit precision and 53 for 64-bit precision. To determine the precision, the defect uses your specification for Target processor type (-target).

This defect appears only if one operand is always negligibly smaller than the other operand. To see instances of subnormal operands or results, use the check Subnormal Float in Polyspace® Code Prover™.


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#include <stdlib.h>

float get_signal(void);
void do_operation(float);

float input_signal1(void) {
    float temp = get_signal();
    if(temp > 0. && temp < 1e-30)
        return temp;
    else {
       /* Reject value */    

float input_signal2(void) {
    float temp = get_signal();
    if(temp > 1.)
        return temp;
    else {
       /* Reject value */    

void main() {
    float signal1 = input_signal1();
    float signal2 = input_signal2();
    float super_signal = signal1 + signal2;

In this example, the defect appears on the addition because the operand signal1 is in the range (0,1e-30) but signal2 is greater than 1.

Correction — Remove Redundant Operation

One possible correction is to remove the redundant addition operation. In the following corrected code, the operand signal2 and its associated code is also removed from consideration.

#include <stdlib.h>

float get_signal(void);
void do_operation(float);

float input_signal1(void) {
    float temp = get_signal();
    if(temp > 0. && temp < 1e-30)
        return temp;
    else {
       /* Reject value */    

void main() {
    float signal1 = input_signal1();
Correction — Verify Operand Range

Another possible correction is to see if the operand ranges are what you expect. For instance, if one of the operand range is not supposed to be negligibly small, fix the issue causing the small range. In the following corrected code, the range (0,1e-2) is imposed on signal2 so that it is not always negligibly small as compared to signal1.

#include <stdlib.h>

float get_signal(void);
void do_operation(float);

float input_signal1(void) {
    float temp = get_signal();
    if(temp > 0. && temp < 1e-2)
        return temp;
    else {
       /* Reject value */    

float input_signal2(void) {
    float temp = get_signal();
    if(temp > 1.)
        return temp;
    else {
       /* Reject value */    

void main() {
    float signal1 = input_signal1();
    float signal2 = input_signal2();
    float super_signal = signal1 + signal2;

Result Information

Group: Numerical
Language: C | C++
Default: On
Command-Line Syntax: FLOAT_ABSORPTION
Impact: High

Version History

Introduced in R2016b

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