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Detect floating point comparison with equality operator when one of the operand is 0.0




-detect-bad-float-op-on-zero modifies the behavior of Polyspace® Bug Finder™ checkers so that equality comparison using an equality (==) or inequality (!=) operator is reported even when one of the operand is 0.0.


Consider this code:

extern float foo(void);
float x;
x = foo();
if (x==0.0f) {
By default, Polyspace Bug Finder does not report a defect or violation on the operation (x==0.0f). If you specify this option, then these violations and defects are reported for the comparison operation:

If you are running an analysis using the user interface, you can enter this option in the Other field, under the Advanced Settings node on the Configuration pane. See Other. To specify this option at the command line, append the option to your usual Bug Finder command:

polyspace-bug-finder -sources filename ^
-checkers BAD_FLOAT_OP -detect-bad-float-op-on-zero

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