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Apply custom code annotations to Polyspace analysis results


-xml-annotations-description file_path


-xml-annotations-description file_path uses the annotation syntax defined in the XML file located in file_path to interpret code annotations in your source files. You can use the XML file to specify an annotation syntax and map it to the Polyspace® annotation syntax. When you run an analysis by using this option, you can justify and hide results with annotations that use your syntax. If you run Polyspace at the command line, file_path is the absolute path or path relative to the folder from which you run the command. If you run Polyspace through the user interface, file_path is the absolute path.

If you are running an analysis from the user interface (Polyspace desktop products only), on the Configuration pane, you can enter this option in the Other field. See Other.

If you use Polyspace as You Code extensions in IDEs, enter this option in an analysis options file. See options file.

Why Use This Option

If you have existing annotations from previous code reviews, you can import these annotations to Polyspace. You do not have to review and justify results that you have already annotated. Similarly, if your code comments must adhere to a specific format, you can map and import that format to Polyspace.


Import Existing Annotations for Coding Rule Violations

Suppose that you have previously reviewed source file zero_div.c containing the following code, and justified certain MISRA C™: 2012 violations by using custom annotations.

#include <stdio.h>

/* Violation of Misra C:2012 
rules 8.4 and 8.7 on the next
line of code. */

int func(int p) //My_rule 50, 51
    int i;
    int j = 1;

    i = 1024 / (j - p); 
    return i;

/* Violation of Misra C:2012 
rule 8.4 on the next line of 
code */

int func2(void){ //My_rule 50
	int x=func(2);
	return x; 
The code comments My_rule 50, 51 and My_rule 50 do not use the Polyspace annotation syntax. Instead, you use a convention where you place all MISRA rules in a single numbered list. In this list, rules 8.4 and 8.7 correspond to the numbers 50 and 51.You can check this code for MISRA C: 2012 violations by typing the command:

  • Bug Finder:

    polyspace-bug-finder -sources source_path -misra3 all
  • Code Prover:

    polyspace-code-prover -sources source_path -misra3 all -main-generator
  • Bug Finder Server:

    polyspace-bug-finder-server -sources source_path -misra3 all

  • Code Prover Server:

    polyspace-code-prover-server -sources source_path -misra3 all -main-generator

source_path is the path to zero_div.c.

The annotated violations appear in the Results List pane. You must review and justify them again.

This XML example defines the annotation format used in zero_div.c and maps it to the Polyspace annotation syntax:

  • The format of the annotation is the keyword My_rule, followed by a space and one or more comma-separated alphanumeric rule identifiers.

  • Rule identifiers 50 and 51 are mapped to MISRA C: 2012 rules 8.4 and 8.7 respectively. The mapping uses the Polyspace annotation syntax.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<Annotations xmlns:xsi=""
  <Expressions Search_For_Keywords="My_rule"
			  Separator_Result_Name="," >
	<!-- This section defines the annotation syntax format -->		  
   <Expression Mode="SAME_LINE"
  <!-- This section maps the user annotation to the Polyspace
  annotation syntax -->
    <Result_Name_Mapping  Rule_Identifier="50" Family="MISRA-C3" Result_Name="8.4"/>
	<Result_Name_Mapping  Rule_Identifier="51" Family="MISRA-C3" Result_Name="8.7"/>

To import the existing annotations and apply them to the corresponding Polyspace results:

  1. Copy the preceding code example to a text editor and save it on your machine as annotations_description.xml, for instance in C:\Polyspace_workspace\annotations\.

  2. Rerun the analysis on zero_div.c by using the command:

    • Bug Finder:

      polyspace-bug-finder -sources source_path -misra3 all ^
      -xml-annotations-description ^
    • Code Prover:

      polyspace-code-prover -sources source_path -misra3 all ^
      -main-generator -xml-annotations-description ^
    • Bug Finder Server:

      polyspace-bug-finder-server -sources source_path -misra3 all ^
      -xml-annotations-description ^

    • Code Prover Server:

      polyspace-code-prover-server -sources source_path -misra3 all ^
      -main-generator -xml-annotations-description ^

Polyspace considers the annotated results justified and hides them in the Results List pane.

Version History

Introduced in R2017b

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