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Concurrency Modeling in Polyspace Platform User Interface

The Concurrency Modeling view displays all the tasks and interrupts that the analysis extracts from your code and your Polyspace® multitasking configuration.

In the table, the functions are listed in the Entry point column by order of decreasing priority by default. The Set by column shows how Polyspace detects each task or interrupt: automatically, manually from the Polyspace configuration, or from an external file. See the total number of tasks and interrupts at the bottom of the table.

From this view, you can:

  • Go to the associated definition in the source code by clicking a row containing a function name.

  • Go to the corresponding call to the concurrency primitive in the source code by clicking a row containing an event. For instance, clicking start_routine() takes you to pthread_create.

Open this view by selecting Window > Concurrency modeling.

Concurrency modeling window

While the Concurrency Modeling view shows only tasks and interrupts, the Polyspace analysis interprets additional multitasking constructs such as OsResource keywords in ARXML files or critical sections that you define in the configuration to model your multitasking code.

See Also

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