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Results List in Polyspace Platform User Interface

This topic focuses on the Polyspace® Platform user interface. To learn about the equivalent pane in the Polyspace desktop user interface, see Results List in Polyspace Desktop User Interface.

The Results List pane lists all results along with their attributes. To organize your results review, use filters from the taskbar or click a column to sort the Results List by the selected column. See Filter and Sort Results in Polyspace Platform User Interface.

For each result, the Results List pane contains the result attributes, listed in columns:

Family Group to which the result belongs.
ID Unique identification number of the result.
Type Defect or coding rule violation.

Category of the result, for instance:

  • For defects: Groups such as static memory, numerical, control flow, concurrency, etc.

  • For coding rule violations: Groups defined by the coding rule standard.

    For example, MISRA C™:2012 defines groups related to code constructs such as functions, pointers and arrays, etc.


Result name, for example:

  • For defects: Defect name

  • For coding rule violations: Coding rule number


Additional information about a result. For example,

  • For code metrics: the value the metric is measuring such as total number of lines without comment in a file.

  • For defects: Impact value.

  • For coding rule violations: Rule category such as required or advisory.


Additional information about a result. The column shows the first line of the Result Details pane.

For an example of how to use this column, see the result MISRA C:2012 Dir 1.1.

File File containing the instruction where the result occurs
Function Function containing the instruction where the result occurs. If the function is a method of a class, it appears in the format class_name::function_name .

The line number location of the result.


The column number location of the result.


Review status you have assigned to the result. The possible statuses are:

  • Unreviewed (default status)

  • To investigate

  • To fix

  • Justified

  • No action planned

  • Not a defect

  • Other

To create and use custom review statuses, see Create Custom Review Status .


Level of severity you have assigned to the result. The possible levels are:

  • Unset

  • High

  • Medium

  • Low

Comment Comments you have entered about the result
Folder Path to the folder that contains the source file with the result

Using this pane, you can:

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