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Plot frequency response of filter



fvtool(rcfilter) plots the magnitude response of the specified filter.

fvtool(rcfilter,options) plots the response that is specified by options.

For example, to plot the impulse response of the specified filter, set options to 'impulse'.


fvtool(____,Name,Value) specifies additional options using one or more name-value arguments in addition to any input argument combination from the previous syntaxes.

For more input options, see the FVTool function.


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Create a square-root-raised-cosine (SRRC) transmit filter System object™, and then plot the filter response. The results show that the linear filter gain is greater than unity. Specifically, the passband gain is greater than 0 dB.

txfilter = comm.RaisedCosineTransmitFilter;

Obtain the filter coefficients by using the coeffs object function and adjust the filter gain to unit energy.

b = coeffs(txfilter);

Because a filter with unity passband gain must have filter coefficients that sum to 1, set the linear filter gain to the inverse of the sum of the filter tap coefficients, b.Numerator.

txfilter.Gain = 1/sum(b.Numerator);

Verify that the resulting filter coefficients sum to 1.

bNorm = coeffs(txfilter);
ans = 1.0000

Plot the filter frequency response again. The results now show that the passband gain is 0 dB, which is unity gain.


Input Arguments

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Filter, specified as one of these System objects.

Filter analysis options, specified as one of these values:

  • 'magnitude' –– Magnitude response

  • 'phase' –– Phase response

  • 'freq' –– Frequency response

  • 'grpdelay' –– Group delay

  • 'phasedelay' –– Phase delay

  • 'impulse' –– Impulse response

  • 'step' –– Step response

  • 'polezero' –– Pole zero plot

  • 'coefficients' –– Coefficients vector

  • 'info' –– Filter information

  • 'magestimate' –– Magnitude response estimate

  • 'noisepower' –– Round-off noise power spectrum

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Example: fvtool(rcfilter,'Arithmetic','single')

Sampling rate, specified as a scalar. This value, Fs, determines the Nyquist interval [–Fs/2, Fs/2] in which the function shows the frequency response of the filters in the channelizer.

Data Types: single | double

Specify the arithmetic used during analysis. The analysis tool assumes a double-precision filter when the arithmetic input is not specified and the filter System object is unlocked. The 'Arithmetic' property set to 'Fixed' applies only to filter System objects with fixed-point properties.

When you specify this argument as 'Fixed', the function plots the double-precision reference filter and the quantized version of the filter. The function uses the CoefficientsDataType property of the respective filter System object to create the quantized version of the filter analysis values in options except for these:

  • 'magestimate' –– Magnitude response estimate

  • 'noisepower' –– Round-off noise power spectrum

For these two analysis options, the function uses all of the fixed-point settings to analyze the quantized version of the filter.

Data Types: char | string

Version History

Introduced in R2013b