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Create LDPC decoder configuration

Since R2021b


The ldpcDecoderConfig object is a configuration object for the ldpcDecode function. The object specifies the low-density parity-check (LDPC) matrix and read-only properties to provide information about the configured matrix.



decodercfg = ldpcDecoderConfig creates an LDPC decoder configuration object that specifies a rate 5/6 LDPC code from the WLAN 802.11™ standard [1].

decodercfg = ldpcDecoderConfig(H) configures the output object setting the ParityCheckMatrix property H.


decodercfg = ldpcDecoderConfig(H,alg) configures the output object setting the ParityCheckMatrix property to H and the Algorithm property to alg.

decodercfg = ldpcDecoderConfig(encodercfg) sets properties based on the input ldpcEncoderConfig configuration object, encodercfg.

decodercfg = ldpcDecoderConfig(encodercfg,alg) sets properties based on the input ldpcEncoderConfig configuration object, encodercfg, and sets the Algorithm property to alg.

Validation of the object settings is performed when the ldpcDecode function is called with the object as an input.


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Parity-check matrix, specified as a sparse logical (NK)-by-N matrix, where N > K > 0. N is the LDPC codeword block length. K is the number of information bits in the LDPC codeword. The default is the parity-check matrix of rate 5/6 LDPC code with a block length of 648 as specified in the WLAN 802.11 standard [1]. Specifically, the default is the sparse logical 108-by-648 matrix H output by the ldpcQuasiCyclicMatrix function in this code.

P = [
 17 13  8 21  9  3 18 12 10  0  4 15 19  2  5 10 26 19 13 13  1  0 -1 -1
  3 12 11 14 11 25  5 18  0  9  2 26 26 10 24  7 14 20  4  2 -1  0  0 -1
 22 16  4  3 10 21 12  5 21 14 19  5 -1  8  5 18 11  5  5 15  0 -1  0  0
  7  7 14 14  4 16 16 24 24 10  1  7 15  6 10 26  8 18 21 14  1 -1 -1  0
blockSize = 27;
H = ldpcQuasiCyclicMatrix(blockSize,P);

Data Types: logical

LDPC decoding algorithm, specified as one of these values:

Data Types: char | string

This property is read-only.

Block length of the LDPC codeword (N), specified as a positive scalar. N equals the number of columns in the parity-check matrix.

Data Types: double

This property is read-only.

Number of information bits in the LDPC codeword (K), specified as a positive scalar. K equals the number of columns of the parity-check matrix minus the number of rows of the parity-check matrix.

Data Types: double

This property is read-only.

Number of parity-check bits in the LDPC codeword (NK), specified as a positive scalar. NK equals the number of rows in the parity-check matrix.

Data Types: double

This property is read-only.

Code rate of the LDPC code, specified as a positive scalar that is equal to NumInformationBits/BlockLength.

Data Types: double

This property is read-only.

Number of rows per layer, specified as a positive scalar. This property indicates the number of rows per layer when you use a layered decoding algorithm. Specifically, this property is the largest integer such that ParityCheckMatrix can be evenly split into consecutive submatrices in which at most one 1 exists in any column in any one of these submatrices.


ParityCheckMatrix((NumRowsPerLayer + 1):2*NumRowsPerLayer,:)

ParityCheckMatrix((2*NumRowsPerLayer + 1):3*NumRowsPerLayer,:)


ParityCheckMatrix((end - NumRowsPerLayer + 1):end, :)


To enable this property set the Algorithm property to 'layered-bp', 'norm-min-sum', or 'offset-min-sum'.

Data Types: double

Output Arguments

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LDPC decoder configuration object, returned as a structure.

Data Types: struct


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Initialize parameters for the prototype matrix and block size to configure a rate 3/4 LDPC code specified in IEEE® 802.11. Create the parity-check matrix by using the ldpcQuasiCyclicMatrix function.

P = [
    16 17 22 24  9  3 14 -1  4  2  7 -1 26 -1  2 -1 21 -1  1  0 -1 -1 -1 -1
    25 12 12  3  3 26  6 21 -1 15 22 -1 15 -1  4 -1 -1 16 -1  0  0 -1 -1 -1
    25 18 26 16 22 23  9 -1  0 -1  4 -1  4 -1  8 23 11 -1 -1 -1  0  0 -1 -1
     9  7  0  1 17 -1 -1  7  3 -1  3 23 -1 16 -1 -1 21 -1  0 -1 -1  0  0 -1
    24  5 26  7  1 -1 -1 15 24 15 -1  8 -1 13 -1 13 -1 11 -1 -1 -1 -1  0  0
     2  2 19 14 24  1 15 19 -1 21 -1  2 -1 24 -1  3 -1  2  1 -1 -1 -1 -1  0
blockSize = 27;
pcmatrix = ldpcQuasiCyclicMatrix(blockSize,P);

Create LDPC encoder and decoder configuration objects, displaying their properties.

cfgLDPCEnc = ldpcEncoderConfig(pcmatrix)
cfgLDPCEnc = 
  ldpcEncoderConfig with properties:

     ParityCheckMatrix: [162x648 logical]

   Read-only properties:
           BlockLength: 648
    NumInformationBits: 486
    NumParityCheckBits: 162
              CodeRate: 0.7500

cfgLDPCDec = ldpcDecoderConfig(pcmatrix)
cfgLDPCDec = 
  ldpcDecoderConfig with properties:

     ParityCheckMatrix: [162x648 logical]
             Algorithm: 'bp'

   Read-only properties:
           BlockLength: 648
    NumInformationBits: 486
    NumParityCheckBits: 162
              CodeRate: 0.7500

Transmit an LDPC-encoded, QPSK-modulated bit stream through an AWGN channel. Demodulate the signal, decode the received codewords, and then count bit errors. Use nested for loops to process multiple SNR settings and frames with and without LDPC forward error correction (FEC) coding of the transmitted data.

M = 4;
maxnumiter = 10;
snr = [3 6 20];
numframes = 10;

ber = comm.ErrorRate;
ber2 = comm.ErrorRate;

for ii = 1:length(snr)
    for counter = 1:numframes
        data = randi([0 1],cfgLDPCEnc.NumInformationBits,1,'int8');
        % Transmit and receive with LDPC coding
        encodedData = ldpcEncode(data,cfgLDPCEnc);
        modSignal = pskmod(encodedData,M,InputType='bit');
        [rxsig, noisevar] = awgn(modSignal,snr(ii));
        demodSignal = pskdemod(rxsig,M, ...
            OutputType='approxllr', ...
        rxbits = ldpcDecode(demodSignal,cfgLDPCDec,maxnumiter);
        errStats = ber(data,rxbits);
        % Transmit and receive with no LDPC coding
        noCoding = pskmod(data,M,InputType='bit');
        rxNoCoding = awgn(noCoding,snr(ii));
        rxBitsNoCoding = pskdemod(rxNoCoding,M,OutputType='bit');
        errStatsNoCoding = ber2(data,int8(rxBitsNoCoding));
    fprintf(['SNR = %2d\n   Coded: Error rate = %1.2f, ' ...
        'Number of errors = %d\n'], ...
    fprintf(['Noncoded: Error rate = %1.2f, ' ...
        'Number of errors = %d\n'], ...
SNR =  3
   Coded: Error rate = 0.07, Number of errors = 355
Noncoded: Error rate = 0.08, Number of errors = 384
SNR =  6
   Coded: Error rate = 0.00, Number of errors = 0
Noncoded: Error rate = 0.02, Number of errors = 98
SNR = 20
   Coded: Error rate = 0.00, Number of errors = 0
Noncoded: Error rate = 0.00, Number of errors = 0


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LDPC decoding using one of these message-passing algorithms.


[1] IEEE® Std 802.11-2020 (Revision of IEEE Std 802.11-2016). "Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications." IEEE Standard for Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems. Local and metropolitan area networks — Specific requirements.

[2] Gallager, Robert G. Low-Density Parity-Check Codes. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1963.

[3] Hocevar, D.E. "A reduced complexity decoder architecture via layered decoding of LDPC codes." In IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems, 2004. SIPS 2004, 107-112.

[4] Chen, Jinghu, R.M. Tanner, C. Jones, and Yan Li. "Improved min-sum decoding algorithms for irregular LDPC codes." In Proceedings. International Symposium on Information Theory, 2005. ISIT 2005.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2021b

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