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Parity-check matrix of quasi-cyclic LDPC code

Since R2021b


    H = ldpcQuasiCyclicMatrix(blocksize,P) returns parity-check matrix H for a quasi-cyclic LDPC code based on the input block size, blocksize, and the prototype matrix, P.



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    Create a parity-check matrix of a quasicyclic LDPC code. Set the block size to 3 and the prototype matrix to [0 -1 1 2; 2 1 -1 0].

    blockSize = 3;
    p = [0 -1 1 2; 2 1 -1 0];
    pcmatrix = ldpcQuasiCyclicMatrix(blockSize,p)
    pcmatrix = 6x12 sparse logical array (18 nonzeros)
       (1,1)      1
       (5,1)      1
       (2,2)      1
       (6,2)      1
       (3,3)      1
       (4,3)      1
       (6,4)      1
       (4,5)      1
       (5,6)      1
       (3,7)      1
       (1,8)      1
       (2,9)      1
       (2,10)     1
       (4,10)     1
       (3,11)     1
       (5,11)     1
       (1,12)     1
       (6,12)     1

    Confirm that the resulting parity-check matrix is a sparse and logical matrix.

    issparse(pcmatrix) & islogical(pcmatrix)
    ans = logical

    Parity-check matrices can be large, and displaying them as a full matrix is generally not advisable. Because the parity-check matrix in this example is only 6-by-12, display it as a full matrix.

    ans = 6x12 logical array
       1   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   1
       0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   1   0   0
       0   0   1   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   1   0
       0   0   1   0   1   0   0   0   0   1   0   0
       1   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   0   1   0
       0   1   0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1

    Initialize parameters for the prototype matrix and block size to configure a rate 3/4 LDPC code specified in IEEE® 802.11. Create the parity-check matrix by using the ldpcQuasiCyclicMatrix function.

    P = [16 17 22 24  9  3 14 -1  4  2  7 -1 26 -1  2 -1 21 -1  1  0 -1 -1 -1 -1
         25 12 12  3  3 26  6 21 -1 15 22 -1 15 -1  4 -1 -1 16 -1  0  0 -1 -1 -1
         25 18 26 16 22 23  9 -1  0 -1  4 -1  4 -1  8 23 11 -1 -1 -1  0  0 -1 -1
          9  7  0  1 17 -1 -1  7  3 -1  3 23 -1 16 -1 -1 21 -1  0 -1 -1  0  0 -1
         24  5 26  7  1 -1 -1 15 24 15 -1  8 -1 13 -1 13 -1 11 -1 -1 -1 -1  0  0
          2  2 19 14 24  1 15 19 -1 21 -1  2 -1 24 -1  3 -1  2  1 -1 -1 -1 -1  0
    blockSize = 27;
    pcmatrix = ldpcQuasiCyclicMatrix(blockSize,P);

    Create an LDPC encoder configuration object, displaying its properties. Generate random information bits by using the NumInformationBits property of the configuration object to specify the number of information bits in an LPDC codeword. Encode the information bits by the LDPC code specified by the LDPC encoder configuration object.

    cfgLDPCEnc = ldpcEncoderConfig(pcmatrix)
    cfgLDPCEnc = 
      ldpcEncoderConfig with properties:
         ParityCheckMatrix: [162x648 logical]
       Read-only properties:
               BlockLength: 648
        NumInformationBits: 486
        NumParityCheckBits: 162
                  CodeRate: 0.7500
    infoBits = rand(cfgLDPCEnc.NumInformationBits,1) < 0.5;
    codeword = ldpcEncode(infoBits, cfgLDPCEnc);

    Initialize parameters for the prototype matrix and block size to configure a rate 3/4 LDPC code specified in IEEE® 802.11. Create the parity-check matrix by using the ldpcQuasiCyclicMatrix function.

    P = [
        16 17 22 24  9  3 14 -1  4  2  7 -1 26 -1  2 -1 21 -1  1  0 -1 -1 -1 -1
        25 12 12  3  3 26  6 21 -1 15 22 -1 15 -1  4 -1 -1 16 -1  0  0 -1 -1 -1
        25 18 26 16 22 23  9 -1  0 -1  4 -1  4 -1  8 23 11 -1 -1 -1  0  0 -1 -1
         9  7  0  1 17 -1 -1  7  3 -1  3 23 -1 16 -1 -1 21 -1  0 -1 -1  0  0 -1
        24  5 26  7  1 -1 -1 15 24 15 -1  8 -1 13 -1 13 -1 11 -1 -1 -1 -1  0  0
         2  2 19 14 24  1 15 19 -1 21 -1  2 -1 24 -1  3 -1  2  1 -1 -1 -1 -1  0
    blockSize = 27;
    pcmatrix = ldpcQuasiCyclicMatrix(blockSize,P);

    Create LDPC encoder and decoder configuration objects, displaying their properties.

    cfgLDPCEnc = ldpcEncoderConfig(pcmatrix)
    cfgLDPCEnc = 
      ldpcEncoderConfig with properties:
         ParityCheckMatrix: [162x648 logical]
       Read-only properties:
               BlockLength: 648
        NumInformationBits: 486
        NumParityCheckBits: 162
                  CodeRate: 0.7500
    cfgLDPCDec = ldpcDecoderConfig(pcmatrix)
    cfgLDPCDec = 
      ldpcDecoderConfig with properties:
         ParityCheckMatrix: [162x648 logical]
                 Algorithm: 'bp'
       Read-only properties:
               BlockLength: 648
        NumInformationBits: 486
        NumParityCheckBits: 162
                  CodeRate: 0.7500

    Transmit an LDPC-encoded, QPSK-modulated bit stream through an AWGN channel. Demodulate the signal, decode the received codewords, and then count bit errors. Use nested for loops to process multiple SNR settings and frames with and without LDPC forward error correction (FEC) coding of the transmitted data.

    M = 4;
    maxnumiter = 10;
    snr = [3 6 20];
    numframes = 10;
    ber = comm.ErrorRate;
    ber2 = comm.ErrorRate;
    for ii = 1:length(snr)
        for counter = 1:numframes
            data = randi([0 1],cfgLDPCEnc.NumInformationBits,1,'int8');
            % Transmit and receive with LDPC coding
            encodedData = ldpcEncode(data,cfgLDPCEnc);
            modSignal = pskmod(encodedData,M,InputType='bit');
            [rxsig, noisevar] = awgn(modSignal,snr(ii));
            demodSignal = pskdemod(rxsig,M, ...
                OutputType='approxllr', ...
            rxbits = ldpcDecode(demodSignal,cfgLDPCDec,maxnumiter);
            errStats = ber(data,rxbits);
            % Transmit and receive with no LDPC coding
            noCoding = pskmod(data,M,InputType='bit');
            rxNoCoding = awgn(noCoding,snr(ii));
            rxBitsNoCoding = pskdemod(rxNoCoding,M,OutputType='bit');
            errStatsNoCoding = ber2(data,int8(rxBitsNoCoding));
        fprintf(['SNR = %2d\n   Coded: Error rate = %1.2f, ' ...
            'Number of errors = %d\n'], ...
        fprintf(['Noncoded: Error rate = %1.2f, ' ...
            'Number of errors = %d\n'], ...
    SNR =  3
       Coded: Error rate = 0.07, Number of errors = 355
    Noncoded: Error rate = 0.08, Number of errors = 384
    SNR =  6
       Coded: Error rate = 0.00, Number of errors = 0
    Noncoded: Error rate = 0.02, Number of errors = 98
    SNR = 20
       Coded: Error rate = 0.00, Number of errors = 0
    Noncoded: Error rate = 0.00, Number of errors = 0

    Input Arguments

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    Block size of the quasi-cyclic LDPC code, specified as a positive scalar.

    Data Types: double

    Prototype matrix, specified as a matrix. The number of columns in P must be greater than the number of rows in P. All values in P must be -1, 0, or positive integers less than the input blocksize. A value of -1 produces a zero-valued blocksize-by-blocksize submatrix. Other values indicate that the number of columns a blocksize-by-blocksize diagonal matrix must be cyclically shifted to the right. Each submatrix is either a zero matrix or a cyclically shifted version of a diagonal matrix.

    Data Types: double

    Output Arguments

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    Parity-check matrix, returned as a sparse logical matrix. The function expands each element of input P to a blocksize-by-blocksize submatrix in H.

    Data Types: logical

    Extended Capabilities

    C/C++ Code Generation
    Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2021b

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