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Create Tunable Second-Order Filter

This example shows how to create a parametric model of the second-order filter:


where the damping ζ and the natural frequency ωn are tunable parameters.

Define the tunable parameters using realp.

wn = realp('wn',3);
zeta = realp('zeta',0.8);

wn and zeta are realp parameter objects, with initial values 3 and 0.8, respectively.

Create a model of the filter using the tunable parameters.

F = tf(wn^2,[1 2*zeta*wn wn^2]);

The inputs to tf are the vectors of numerator and denominator coefficients expressed in terms of wn and zeta.

F is a genss model. The property F.Blocks lists the two tunable parameters wn and zeta.

ans = struct with fields:
      wn: [1x1 realp]
    zeta: [1x1 realp]

You can examine the number of tunable blocks in a generalized model using nblocks.

ans = 

F has two tunable parameters, but the parameter wn appears five times - twice in the numerator and three times in the denominator.

To reduce the number of tunable blocks, you can rewrite F as:


Create the alternative filter.

F = tf(1,[(1/wn)^2 2*zeta*(1/wn) 1]);

Examine the number of tunable blocks in the new model.

ans = 

In the new formulation, there are only three occurrences of the tunable parameter wn. Reducing the number of occurrences of a block in a model can improve the performance of calculations involving the model. However, the number of occurrences does not affect the results of tuning the model or sampling it for parameter studies.

See Also

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