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Shuffle data in minibatchqueue

Since R2020b


    shuffle(mbq) resets the data held in mbq and shuffles it into a random order. After shuffling, the next function returns different mini-batches. Use this syntax to reset and shuffle your data after each training epoch in a custom training loop.


    collapse all

    The shuffle function resets and shuffles the minibatchqueue object so that you can obtain data from it in a random order. By contrast, the reset function resets the minibatchqueue object to the start of the underlying datastore.

    Create a minibatchqueue object from a datastore.

    ds = digitDatastore;
    mbq = minibatchqueue(ds,MiniBatchSize=256)
    mbq = 
    minibatchqueue with 1 output and properties:
       Mini-batch creation:
                   MiniBatchSize: 256
                PartialMiniBatch: 'return'
                    MiniBatchFcn: 'collate'
        PreprocessingEnvironment: 'serial'
                      OutputCast: {'single'}
                 OutputAsDlarray: 1
                 MiniBatchFormat: {''}
               OutputEnvironment: {'auto'}

    Obtain the first mini-batch of data.

    X1 = next(mbq);

    Iterate over the rest of the data in the minibatchqueue object. Use hasdata to check if data is still available.

    while hasdata(mbq)

    Shuffle the minibatchqueue object and obtain the first mini-batch after the queue is shuffled.

    X2 = next(mbq);

    Iterate over the remaining data again.

    while hasdata(mbq)

    Reset the minibatchqueue object and obtain the first mini-batch after the queue is reset.

    X3 = next(mbq);

    Check whether the mini-batches obtained after resetting or shuffling the minibatchqueue object are the same as the first mini-batch after the minibatchqueue object is created.

    ans = 
    ans = 

    The reset function returns the minibatchqueue object to the start of the underlying data, so that the next function returns mini-batches in the same order each time. By contrast, the shuffle function shuffles the underlying data and produces randomized mini-batches.

    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    Mini-batch queue, specified as a minibatchqueue object.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2020b

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